were you glad you spent the $$$ on them. I am normally of the mindset that I don't want to spend a lot on maternity clothes because you only wear them for one season, but with DD I wore Gap jeans and hated them and wished I had nicer jeans. I am also on a Build Our Savings Back Up Budget so I am thinking of ordering a pair or two soon instead of waiting until I pop and need a bunch of stuff. I am looking at 7FAM and Joes, if that makes a difference.
Re: if you wore designer maternity jeans
I had 7FAMK last pregnancy and wore them super often from 17ish wks until the end. They really looked great and made me feel great. I was glad I had them. I would try a bunch on, though. I wear COH non-pg, and HATED the COH maternity jeans. The Paige ones were also weird on me (the panel cut into me at like 15 wks...no way would they have lasted).
If you want to save a little $$, a bunch of my friends have loved the "It Jeans" from Mimi Maternity. They are cuter than the Gap ones, and only like $80 instead of $150-200.
This time I had a pair of Gap Long and Leans. They were just ok, but since I know this is my last pregnancy it was harder to justify the designer ones. You're a SAHM, right? Get the jeans--you'll wear them all the time and you won't be buying work maternity clothes this time around.
My thoughts exactly!