

Hi!  See, my boys are also about 1.5# different - and have been since birth.  Plus, I had an emergency C-section at 29 weeks because Ryan stopped growing...well, I think that is why is face is shaped a little different - because of his position and running out of room in the uterus.  Anyway, we paid $160 at Affiliated Genetics.  There is another company called Proactive Genetics (I think that's the name) that was $150, but the reviews I read seemed slightly better for Affiliated Genetics.  I am also going to ask my pedi at their 2 year old check-up what he thinks about the accuracy and if there would be a better test.  The info I got from the company says it is greater than 99% accurate!

Re: ***lstaylor***

  • I think that the IUGR is why Evan looks so different. For him being in my tummy was like eating and breathing through a straw so he didn't get to grow like Cameron.  We didn't use fertility assistance and there are no twins in the family anywhere that we can find, and the share the same blood type which the Dr told us was not as likely if they are fraternal but possible.  The placenta fell apart at the c/s so the pathology they did was not 100% certain but everyone including my awesome Peri thought they were Di/Di.  I think I need to start working on my DH to convince him to let me spend the money to have the test done just so we can put the curiosity to rest.
  • Yes, you should do it!  Have him let you do it for Mother's Day or something :)  My boys also had the same blood type at birth and we were told the same thing as you.  The shapes of their faces is different which really makes them look unique, but their hair color, eye color, and the shapes of their eyes/noses/ears are all the same.  It sounds like we have fairly similar stories with being told Di/Di but then having a baby with IUGR which usually goes more with identicals.....and my little guy still isn't caught up to his brother in size, but is doing everything else he does now!  I know you guys have had a much tougher road since delivery than we did and I count my blessings every day....hang in there, your adorable boys will get there in their own time!

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  • Thank you!  It helps to hear the happy endings of 28 weekers.
  • To both of you - I have a baby who got much less in utero and because of that looks very different than his brother. Besides smaller, his nose is completely different, different shaped head and his hair is darker :) So I have a sneaky suspicion that LSTAYLOR's boys may be ID :) So they don't end up "identical" looking all the time.
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