
Getting to the gym - how do you do it?

Up here in the Seattle area, the weather is crazy.  So I can't always go outside for a walk.  How do you get to the gym with the kids?  Is it worth it to join a place that has daycare or hire a babysitter to come a few times a week?  I have a couple videos I could try and I did OnDemand once or twice, but I get distracted too easily.

Re: Getting to the gym - how do you do it?

  • I don't have any suggestions since my LO's aren't here yet, but just wanted to say Hi! I'm also in the Seattle area. My babies should be here in May so I'm hoping to take advantage of my summer on maternity leave by taking a lot of walks. Once I go back to work and the weather gets bad I don't know what I'll do.
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  • Hi fellow Seattle area girls -- I wish I knew the answer to this.  10 minutes ago it was beautiful outside and I was just getting ready to take the babies for a walk.  Now I swear it's a hurricane out there -- holy wind, rain and hail!  And now thunder -- YIKES!!!

    We have an elliptical trainer at our place.  Though I will admit I haven't used it in a long time - DH gets on it each night when the babies go to sleep.  Personally I'm too tired by then and just want sleep Smile

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  • SO familiar. It'll snow 5 inches in the morning and be clear and dry the next day.  Weird.
  • I have a treadmill at home.  I'm waaaayy too tired for the gym.  At least I'm getting some running in.
  • Twinsinapod- There is a local Seattle babies board. You could post over there and see if anyone has any ideas of local gyms or work out places that are kid friendly. It is a really friendly group.


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  • Hi Seattle mamas

    I belong to the Ballys in Bellevue and they have a great child care program.  I have to admit I don't use it all the time, but I really try to get to at leats the Monday class with the kids and then I try to go to the Sat class while dh has them at home.

    I highly rec a rain shield for your jogging stroller.  The LOs stay nice and toasty (and dry!) even if it is pelting rain.  Again, not that I do that very often...but it is nice to know the kids are fine even if I get soaked.




  • When they were babies & not needing a bath every night, I used to go once a week to a 6:30 p.m. aerobics class. ?Dh gave them their p.m. bottles & put them to bed solo. ?Once ds got his helmet (7m old) & had to be bathed every night, I no longer went. ?(Dh was in total support of me going...I just felt that doing bathtime, feeding, & bedtime solo was too much to ask.) ?Then we moved to another state & didn't join a gym b/c it just seemed impossible. ?Our solution was to buy an elliptical machine for our home. ?We bought it this past January. ?We alternate nights (I do Sun/Tues/Thurs, dh does M/W/Sat & we both take Friday off) & do 20 minutes plus push-ups & crunches as soon as the kids go to bed at night. ?So far, it has been money well spent!?
  • jmn69jmn69 member
    I do the 30 Day Shred workout and love it.  And when weather permits, we go for walks outside (I'm in the Seattle area also).
  • the gym is my therapy. ?i've made it a priority...DH understands how important it is to me, so either my mom comes over for a bit or my DH comes home early from work. ?i make it there 3 times a week, sometime 4, but DH has flexible hours at work and my mom is retired. ?i used to do the elle mcphereson "your personal best" video in college. ?its a really good workout (interval training/cardio & weights). ?can you do it during naptime 3 times a week and devote the time, don't let yourself get distracted!?


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