So my RE told me to get a OPK and start monitoring my ovulation. I'm somewhat in tune with my body already and having read the numerous posts here I can check my CM and see if its consistency is changing. Anyway, I started using the kit and it appeared that before ovulation, right after my period, the stick showed one line for the control and no line for the test, and as I approached ovulation, the second line appeared and got darker. The problem is that now, I think I'm beyond ovulating maybe by a week, but I'm still getting two lines. Has this happened to anyone? How can you tell when you're really ovulating? AGGHHH!!
Re: OPK Question
The trick with reading the lines is that the one line will be as dark as or darker than the control line...this means o'ing is in 24-36 hrs based on the level of LH in your body. I have seen lighter lines in mine after I had o'd that month. My RE recommends that I use clearblue easy OPK's...I don't know if I completely agree with all this but he thinks there are some that just don't work well. Now the CBE ones are more pricey, but I have found the the CBE digital ones that give you a smiley face for your surge seem to work the best. They're about $30 for 7. Hope that helps a little!
sorry i cant help with reading them. i could never get a positive on the OPK. perhaps that was b/c i have PCOS and rarely ever ovulate. hmmm.
i bought the CBEFM, and love it. it gives you high days and a peak, plus i temp. sadly though this month CD whatever and i have not ovulated. despite what my ticker says.