
DS leaking through diaper EVERY night--help!

DS (age 2) has been waking up every morning lately soaked. I used to use Diaper Doublers in his diaper at night, but apparently they're not being sold anymore, at least not at my BRU. So now I put a maxi pad (yes, DH laughs at me but I'm desperate!) inside an overnight diaper, AND I put a regular diaper over that. Yet he still wakes up soaked.

He's very tall for his age, and he tends to leak out of the front waistband of his diaper at night, so maybe the diapers just don't come up high enough on him? He's in the biggest size (6) I can find, except for Pampers, which makes a 7, but I don't know if they're thick enough to keep him dry at night.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm tired of having to wash his sheets every single day!

~ Liz, mommy to:
DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)

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Re: DS leaking through diaper EVERY night--help!

  • I'm sorry that is happening!

    Possibly a dumb question, is his "boy part" pointed down when you put on his diaper?

  • Cut his liquid intake at night.  I use Goodnights for DS.  They run bigger, and work really well.  They run on weight, and I have been using the 38-60 lbs for a while, even before DS weighed 38 lbs.  HTH!
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  • 1. make sure his penis is aimed down

    2. it sounds like the diapers aren't tight enough and are TOO big.  Try overnight diapers or pullups.

  • We stopped giving DD drinks about an hour before bedtime, which has really helped.  And if he's leaking out the front, are you suppose to tuck it down still? I don't know, I don't have a boy! ;)
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Just posting to see the answers because I'm having the exact same problem with DS. 
  • We CD during the day but at night we use Huggies. I have to change them around 12 am or else they will wake up wet.

    My suggestion is to just get up and change him. No diaper or doublers ever helped. DH isn't fond of limiting their liquids at night so this is what we have to do!

  • another dumb question, but are you cutting open the underside of the pad so that the liquid can leak through onto the diaper when it gets soaked?

    We had this problem, but I started to put the diaper on a little tighter around his waist and it worked.

  • My daughter recently started doing this...I finally just started pumping her full of liquids until about 2 hours before bedtime- so she gets lots to drink all day, but not late enough to pee it out in her sleep-it has worked, but I need to ask the pedi if it is ok- I feel weird restricting her that way, but she doesn't ask for any- so she must be feeling pretty hydrated...

    I don't force any on her during the day, but I ask her a lot more frequently throughout the day if I can get her some water or juice- she usually says yes.

    It breaks my heart to think of her soaking in her urine over night!!

  • Make sure the little weenie is pointed south. :-) That is almost always the culprit with us.

    If you are using a maxi, which I do all the time, make sure that you cut a slit in the plastic backing so that the pee can soak through. Otherwise, you are just wicking it forward to leak out the front of the diaper. Also, make sure that the pad isn't too close to the upper edge of the diaper.

    And absolutely cut down on his liquids, especially in the couple of hours before bed.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Butterbeansmama, hmm, no, I haven't been doing anything to the pad and didn't even think of that....Maybe the pad is making things worse.

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions--I'll definitely try them!

    ~ Liz, mommy to:
    DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
    Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
    m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I had to lol at pointing it south. I told DH to make sure he does this when he puts DS to bed. He said, "I'll do it. But it doesn't matter. It has a mind of it's own and when it wants back up, it will go back up."
  • DS just started doing this - and I was expecting it. He has been in size 5 overnights for almost a year now, it was bound to happen (he is also tall and skinny for his age).

    At the suggestion of a friend (whose son was having the same issue) I got some generic "Depends" pads - so they look like big Maxi pads but are designed for urine (I get the "heavy" ones). The generic versions (I get CVS brand) are fairly inexpensive and so far using those in addition to limiting his liquid intake before bed has been helping.

    I don't understand why they don;t make size 6 in Overnights...are they expecting my not yet 2 year old to be potty trained? He isn't THAT big, you know?

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  • imageDevonPow:

    At the suggestion of a friend (whose son was having the same issue) I got some generic "Depends" pads - so they look like big Maxi pads but are designed for urine (I get the "heavy" ones). The generic versions (I get CVS brand) are fairly inexpensive and so far using those in addition to limiting his liquid intake before bed has been helping.

    I've been thinking about trying Depends, but I'm embarrassed to buy them! LOL....I might just have to break down and get them though. Maybe I'll have to send DH on a little errand....

    ~ Liz, mommy to:
    DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
    Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
    m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • They do make size 6 Huggies Overnights. I think they sell them at Walmart (used to be there exclusively),, and I may have seen them at KMart.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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