
If you had betas:

I really wish I didn't have to bother you all with this because I'm sure it's been asked before. The stupid search function isn't working and my google phrasing must be off because I'm not having much luck there either.

Could you please share with me what your betas were?

I just got mine back: 13 or 15DPO: 294, 15 or 17DPO: 730.

Any thoughts?

Re: If you had betas:

  • 15 DPIUI (trigger shot 36 hours prior) #789

    17 DPIUI #1719

    HTH, i have twins. ?good luck and let us know. ?congrats on your pregnancy!?

  • to clarify, the trigger was 36 hours before the IUI so i guess you'd say i was 16 DPO and 18 DPO
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  • 14 dpiui (or 15 dp trigger) was 255

    16 dpiui was 470....twins. GL!

  • I think there was an FAQ post on this a couple weeks ago w/ a ton of responses but I have no idea how you find that unless someone bookmarked it or put it in their bio?

    Mine were-

    17dpo- 471

    20 dpo- 1860

    27 dpo- 21,640 has the best info. Of course nothing is a guarantee but I found that the most helpful in terms of looking at ranges. 

  • 4dp4dt/18DPO: 2,937

    21dp4dt/25DPO: 23,677

  • Congrats! those are great betas! But not crazy high or anything- either way - there is no true correlation b/t high betas and twins.

    do you have a chance for twins? (2 eggs/embies, etc?)

    My betas for my singleton and twin pgs were almost the exact same.... so you never know until that first and sometimes 2nd US.

    enjoy your pregnancy!!!

  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:

    Congrats! those are great betas! But not crazy high or anything- either way - there is no true correlation b/t high betas and twins.

    do you have a chance for twins? (2 eggs/embies, etc?)

    My betas for my singleton and twin pgs were almost the exact same.... so you never know until that first and sometimes 2nd US.

    enjoy your pregnancy!!!

    Thanks for the website! I'm higher than average for Singletons (sp?) but a lil' lower than everage for multiples. I'm sure it's just one, I was just curious.

    The only reason I questioned it is because this is my 3rd pregnancy out of 5 cyces. BFN 1st cycle and we took one cycle off. That means we're 3 for 4. The only thing I could think of was that I might be releasing more than one egg at a time.

  • 12dp3dt/15dpo - 432

    15dp3dt/18dpo - 1471

    Good luck & keep us posted!

  • Check this site for beta numbers.

    sorry-- I didn't see the other 203432 posts telling you to go there. This is also the multiples FAQs post:

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Mine are in my siggie.
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