
What should we do about vacation and a crib?

My 2 year old isn't in a toddler bed yet (we tried it...didn't go well).  He's not even trying to get out of his interest in a bed at all.  He is too big for the pack-n-play, so what do we do when we go on vacation?  Please don't tell me we have to lug his huge crib with us....

Re: What should we do about vacation and a crib?

  • depending on where you go there are places that rent cribs and all sorts of baby/ kid items! they are "hospital sterilized" and whenever we go to my IL's place in miami we use this type of service. just google "crib rentals". ?have fun!
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • We've used the cribs the hotels that we've stayed at have provided. 
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  • We use the hotel crib, or he sleeps with us.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Ditto the PP's.  When we stayed in beach houses, we've rented cribs from local equipment rental companies.  If you are staying in a hotel, they usually have cribs they can provide, but request it up front when you book the room to make sure they have one available for you when you get there.

    There are also a couple of portable peds - I think one was called a PeaPod - they are kind of like little tents.  Anyway, I considered buying one for DS but ended up decided it would be a waste of $ because we would really have only needed it once or twice.  You can google it to see what it looks like.


  • Pack n plays aren't really that much smaller than cribs are they? DD still sleeps great in her PNP for naps at my parents house. If there's really no way he can sleep in a PNP then you may want to be careful about requesting a crib from the hotel because a lot of them provide a PNP.


    Until recently DD wouldn't have anything to do with a pack n play so she has always slept with us on vacation. She's been great at transitioning between that and her crib when we got home.

  • Ditto the crib rental places. You can rent all sorts of stuff (carseats, high chairs, pnp's, swings, bouncers). We used a service in florida and they met us at the airport with the carseat.

  • get a toddler blow up mattress.
  • We used an aerobed for kids even before DD was out of her crib at home.  She also slept on a sleeping bag while camping from the time she was 3 months old.  Would he sleep on an air mattress or sleeping bag?
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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