So, I am Af is due to show her ugly self today. Last night I start to feel cranky and crampy. Go to the bathroom and only a lttle spotting is on the tp...nothing else. Have sex with dh and go to bathroom and same thing. I figure she is on her way, so I wear my pad to bed and this morning...NOTHING! Not a trace of good ol' AF anywhere! If you're gonna show, show dammit!!!!
Ok, I feel much better now. Thanks for listening!
Re: What's the deal AF?
I have found that when you are TTC, AF like to mess with you. As regular and predictable as a train in Mussolin's Italy, when your not paying attention but as soon as you start trying, she starts playing games.
Anyway, I hope she shows soon....or doesn't show at all.
The mean ole hag did that to me last month. She was two days later than I expected her, according to when I o'd. And then when she showed up, it was just teeny tiny spotting. The next day, she came on full force.
Hmm, could be messing with you. Or could be good news. Do you temp? I would test just because I'm obsessive like that..
Fingers crossed that she does not show at all (for the right reason!).
Thanks girls! I knew you would get it. I thought about POAS this morning but didn't want to go to work all bummed out (if that was the case). AF is still playing with me....went to br and nothing. I may have to POAS nervous
AF is a conniving ol' bag. Ugly, like you said, and untrustworthy in all regards. Just sucks the fun out of everything.
She's like the reproduction version of the Grinch.'
Double DITTO!
I'm hoping for a BFP!