
got the itemized NICU bill

12 days in the NICU = $122,865.30

we haven't received the hospt bill yet ... I assume they are trying to hammer something out with the insurance company. We have a $2K in network max deductible, so I'm hoping that everything was in network and we're 'only' going to owe $2K.


we SO did not budget for this.

Re: got the itemized NICU bill

  • I can totally empathize.  We were blessed that C qualified for Medicaid but it was still scary to see the bills...
  • Sounds familiar.  Ours was right around 200 grand for his 17 day stay (the oscillator and daily chest x-rays being the most expensive parts) and luckily we only paid $2000 out of pocket.  I was never so grateful for insurance!  Hope yours ends up the same.
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  • Oh Boy...I was just thinking about this today.  I really need to call insurance company to find out what our benefits are for Brenden's stay...we going on day 8.
  • This makes me sad.  We spent 11 days in the NICU, then 7 days in the PICU and have now been stepped down to the IMU.  He is three weeks old today and most likely has two more weeks in the hospital. I know the bills are going to be insane and I know I have great insurance, but it still scares me to death to think of the cost.   

    I'm with you in the hopes that its all in network.  I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything is covered for your little guy, cause I know I'm doing it for ours.

    JMA 2/26/09-9/28/09 MMA 11/22/10
  • Yeah- the special nursery stay supposedly goes down each day I don't go into labor, but by the time we add-on my hospital stay (since Sunday morning) I'm thinking we're looking at a similar figure. H's company pays 100% of our medical care and I'm sure that will change next year due to a couple of things that happened this year to his co-workers, including 27 week twins that were in the NICU for almost 3 months (but are doing great!!!).?
  • $199,000 FOR 5 WEEKS.

    all of which was covered by insurance with the exception of a $100 copay. thank god for my husands insurance

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