
what to do what to do

The boys got up at 7am at a little after 8 they took their first nap.  I was surprised when they work at 915 STARVING.  Diapers were changed and bottles in mouths by 930.  Happy and fed they played a little til about 11 when they decided they were tired again.  They went down easy, here is the kicker, they are still asleep.  It is almost 2.  I expected them up an hour ago.  This is crazy.  LOL and I still didnt get anything done around the house. 
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Re: what to do what to do

  • I was JUST talking about this to goldenmama thru facebook today! My boys usually take 3 - 1hr naps and have taken a 1.5hr and 2.5hr naps so far today and are 30 mins into their third...what's going on???
  • Enjoy every minute of it. They are probably going through a growth spurt. My mother told me to never wake a sleeping child, I think that is pretty good advice.  (Well I take that back, if one is awake, I will wake the other to keep them on the same schedule.) If both are sleeping- let them!
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  • Our boys have taken some 2.5-3 hr naps off and on in the past couple of weeks. Of course, their nighttime sleeping has also sucked on many of those nights so maybe there is a correlation ... hope you're having a good night with your boys!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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