
PnP questions

Will I need two with twins?  We were in BRU and some sem to be smaller than others (or maybe it's my imagination lol).  I plan to keep them downstairs in the family room for naps during days, is one ok?  Especially if I get a larger one?  I didn't read great reviews on the one for twins, I forget the name of it.  How long do you use the PnP for?  I keep thinking after 4 months they'd have to be in the crib for naps, but I am obviously new at this and have no idea.  Any insight would be great, thanks!

Re: PnP questions

  • yes you will eventually need two. 

    The bassinet part holds up to 15 lbs so within the first 2 months you won't be able to put both in there.  The regular part has no weight limit but says until the child can climb out.  By the time they are past 15 lbs each they'll be tight both fitting in the bottom part and will need their own.  The bassinet part is a lifesaver when they are little because you don't have to bend over to get them in and out.  Also naps downstairs are a must.  You don't want to be lugging both kids upstairs just for a nap in their crib twice a day.  Then when they fuss you'll be climbing those stairs over and over. 

    If I were you I'd get two.  One with a changing station (up to 25lbs) and then a stripped down cheaper version. 

    They are all about the same size.  Some look bigger because they are bowed out on the outside to make them look fancy.  It doesn't add anymore room on the inside though. 

    We started off with one and within a month had to go get another one.  Maybe you could find a nice second one on craiglist. 

  • I think it depends on what you plan on using the pack n play for.  We used one at first for naps when they were really little.  The slept well in the bassinet for a bit (they were preemies) and then slept together in the bottom section.  When the girls started to get older and we travelled more, we borrowed another one from DH's cousin.  The girls were more mobile and really needed their own space to sleep in.  We travel to visit friends fairly frequently and having two seemed to be easier.  If we weren't big travellers, one would have been fine.
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  • Honestly, I just learned a lot aboug Pnp's from these posts!  Thank you so much, I had no idea how it all worked.  I will be getting two.  Great advice, thanks!

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