
Joseys Come In!!!!

I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and found the cutest wall letters. They were only 1.50 ea, so I ended up spending a total of 11.30. What a deal! The only thing is they are white. I kinda almost think maybe I should leave them. And now I'm too scared to mess them up by using sb paper or painting them. I did get a chance to look at some sb papers and there were a lot of really cute ones but I started wondering if it would be too busy. I think you were right about them all having to match and since the letters are a bit bigger and there are 7 of them, it might be a bit much. What do you think I should do with them? Leave them as is, paint them like how you suggested, or try doing the sb paper anyways? Here is a pic!


Do you think they are too big?

Re: Joseys Come In!!!!

  • Really cute!  I agree that the sb papers would be too busy.  What color are you painting the walls?
  • You can see the wall color in the bottom right corner of the pic I posted.
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  • Pink?  Cute!  I would either leave them white or paint them chocolate brown.  Either will be super cute. 
  • Yes, pink!

    The crib we ordered is going to be chocolate brown and I think we are attempting the stripes you had suggested a while back (pink w/ chocolate brown on each side) to pull in the dark pink and brown from the zebra bedding. I have a white shag rug that will accent some piece of furniture in the room and the zebra bumper is brown and white. So there is definitely white incorporated in the room.

    I remember originally you had suggested the espresso wall letters from PBK which I thought sounded really cute. If I do paint, what kind of paint would you use? Oh and there are a lot of dark brown accents that will be hung on the walls. Thus why I'm not sure if white or brown would be better.

    Thanks for listening and offerring your input, I really appreciate it. I'm terrible at making decisions and don't have that natural ability to know what is best as far as decor goes!

  • If you do the stripes, you could paint the letters with the same chocolate brown paint you use on the walls.
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