
36 weeks measuring 39.5 weeks???

Thats what I was told today!!! Anyone measure this far ahead? y DR is sending me for a sono tomorrow to see if I have ALOT of extra fluid or my baby is HUGE!!!!!!

Since Im having a Csection she said if she is huge it doesnt really matter they will let me go full term.

Im thinking at 40 weeks my baby will be 12lbs!!! Now im a bit worried! 

Re: 36 weeks measuring 39.5 weeks???

  • I'm 36 weeks but measuring 39 weeks, he did an internal today and I'm 2-3 cm and 50% effaced. Dr said I'm definitely not making it to my due date, he will strip my membranes at next week's appt and we will go from there.

     My fluid levels were good (checked today) so looks like I'm just having a big baby -- he might induce me at 38 weeks if I don't go into labor by the end of next week.

     Good luck!

  • Im glad im not alone in measuring so far ahead!! I am not dilated at all.

    Im know now that this is why I am so uncomfortable.  I only made it to 38 weeks with #1. She was 4lb 13oz.

    Good luck to you too!!!! 

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  • I was always measuring 1-3 weeks ahead.  even in the u/s i was measuring ahead.   They thought the dates were off but I did IVF so there was mistake in the dates.  At 33 weeks she was born weighing 5lbs 12oz.  i shudder at the thought of carrying her full term when they told me she would have been 12-13lbs at full term.
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • At 36weeks..I measured in at 40 weeks...I was induced with a 10lb5oz baby!  eek..they said at the rate he was growing he would have been 12lbs by my due date (I was exponentially measuring ahead each visit).

    But..given your first was small...I wouldn't worry much would guess it was fluid, besides you are having a c-section (although they didn't want me to even go to my due date with DS1, they wanted a c-section orginally at 38 weeks, they don't like doing c-sections with large babies either)

  • I was measuring 4 weeks ahead for several weeks, and at the end it was 5 (!) weeks ahead.  My doctor sheepishly told me that b/c she knew I was so frightened by it.  I was induced 8 days early with a 10 lb 9 oz baby :-)

  • Oh man, you girls are scaring me now!! I hope he induces me a couple of weeks early if the baby is going to be as big as some of your babies!! My DD was born at 37w3d and was 5 lbs 12 oz so the thought of a 10 lb baby frightens me...
  • imagemay2903:
    Oh man, you girls are scaring me now!! I hope he induces me a couple of weeks early if the baby is going to be as big as some of your babies!! My DD was born at 37w3d and was 5 lbs 12 oz so the thought of a 10 lb baby frightens me...

    I agree!! DD was born at 38 weeks 4lb 13 oz. A 10lb baby would be equivalent to her  at 8 months or so!!! DD s only 22 right now and 31 months. DD #1 may possibly catch up to #2 in size!!! OMG!!!

     Ill update tomorrow evening after my sono!

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