My DD was born at 36w and her pedi seemed a little concerned that she hasn't smiled yet (she'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow). Does your pedi follow your LO's actual or adjusted age? Is the pedi using my DD's actual age because she was so close to full-term?
I just hate feeling like she's behind
Re: Late preterm mommies
Really? I wouldn't even think to be concerned... but I am no doctor! I remember my first pictures of Addie smiling were when she was 2 months old.
It is hard having a preemie and going by milestones... I have just accepted that all babies are different, and there is nothing wrong with being behind a little. Addie crawled right at 8 months (which is on time) but she didn't walk until 15 months (late in my opinion) she is almost 2 and I don't think she knows 50 words, so she is way behind in that. Would she be behind if she weren't a preemie? I don't know. There is no way of knowing. They say MOST kids catch up by 2, but NOT ALL, so I just try not to stress....
MOST kids are completely healthy and bright, and they just are slow starters, nothing wrong with that! If your doc is concerned, just keep an eye on it, but try not to stress, that doesn't help (and this is coming from a total stress monster, so I know it is hard!) We all want perfect on time or ahead kids...
(Adding, Addie was born at 34w6d)
Julia, Grayson didn't smile until he was 11w old ... he was "only" 3w early (so considered full term).
milestones have a wide range of "normal." It may just be something that your pedi is noting, but it's def not something to obsess about. Not every baby smiles at 6w.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***