The Girls are catching up...we had an explosion of Team Pink the boys a run for their money...lets keep both of them coming!!!
Hello Ladies! This is a check-in for Nesties with a due date in the month of August. If you would like to be added, please post your name and EDD. Also, if you want anything changed, please post your EDD along with your new info so it's easier to find your name on the list. Check-ins will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 6am. Feel free to check-in any time that day. Give us a general update on your progress and anything else you want to add!! We will have a question of the day as well. There will also be a link to the check-in sometime after 3pm on M, W & F. | ||||
Please tell me if you are NOT planning on finding out the sex/gender so I can go ahead and get "surprise" beside your name!!! If I do not get a "boy, girl or surprise or another explanation" from you by the beginning of May then I will remove you from the list so we will have active members remaining... | ||||
Total Members: 465 | ||||
Boys: 28 | ||||
Girls: 23 | ||||
Surprises: 59 | ||||
Sets of Twins: 6!! | ||||
Most Popular EDD: August 8th, 18th and 20th with 22 members!!! | ||||
2nd: August 4th, 9th, 16th, 17th and 23rd with 19 members!!! | ||||
3rd: August 5th and 14th with 18 members!!! | ||||
Monday QOTD: Do you like your neighbors? | ||||
Wednesday QOTD: Do you have a favorite color M&M? | ||||
Friday QOTD: How do you feel about 6th graders being in middle school instead of still being in elementary school? Was it like this when you were in school? | ||||
-Any other news or progress? | ||||
August 1 (16) | August 17 (19) | |||
beccag517 | anklassen | |||
dyminsia | AshNicole331 | |||
Elise09 | Augbaby2009- Surprise!!! | |||
Heazzy | bensuswed | |||
hjb76 | brads_bride | |||
johnsoar (July 31st)- Surprise!!! | Breezer80 | |||
KC*luvs*RJ- BOY | CariannelovesTim | |||
LacyLyn | DebbieMc | |||
MelTaylor | jaxgev | |||
Meridout | jessandbrandond | |||
Miriamyd | MrsBenke2B | |||
Oscarkat- BOY | mrscallalily | |||
POEKPK | NYCEsq. | |||
SamsonShopper | par3 | |||
SCBride2007- GIRL | pmdtcnj | |||
SWB110307 | samimax- TWINS- BOY/GIRL | |||
sprice88 | ||||
August 2 (16) | Tablefor3 | |||
aniceucchik- BOY | thatgirlang | |||
cparrent | ||||
emmylizzy | August 18 (22) | |||
erin1014 | Angelene&Jon | |||
JnicMTek- GIRL | Averyhappygirl | |||
judgeandjury | babsrut- BOY | |||
JuneBug2007- GIRL | BuddhaKitty | |||
Kateaud | Carrie50 | |||
kenitaw248- GIRL | CaseyJo | |||
Lisa523 | Chrissay185 | |||
Mary and Dave | CowboysWife04 | |||
mom713 | Cutlip- BOY | |||
MOORENOLES | dkassebaum13 | |||
mrsDinMarch07 | KitKat307 | |||
msngrl2008 | MamaCort | |||
Partyof5 | MrsAAK | |||
Mrsmel | ||||
August 3 (11) | pbgirl423 | |||
aler22- GIRL | Rachel&Joe- Surprise!!! | |||
amarie29 | RugbyBride- Surprise!!! | |||
aroberts7106- BOY | SafetyWife07- GIRL | |||
BCLong21 | Stella's_PUMPED | |||
clpeters7836- BOY | Tabby2121 | |||
dggirl24 | tjohnny | |||
j9lovey | tribe99 | |||
Kkmorgan77 | ||||
Kris78 | August 19 (11) | |||
KristensMom314 | AlliLou | |||
Mandyatmis | Cass&Derek | |||
chocdiet | ||||
August 4 (19) | EnglishS | |||
crystalmrtnz | iluvtom | |||
Elcourtney | margeincharge2 | |||
evhamm- BOY | mfransdell- GIRL | |||
iamsmalls- GIRL | mrsmt | |||
imn_angel25 | NillaOK | |||
JamieS2006 | Ree08.04.07 | |||
JamRy- BOY | sarahalyse- Surprise!!! | |||
katJude | ||||
Keli720 | August 20 (22) | |||
luckiestgrlnco- Surprise!!! | cpendell823 | |||
minipyro | eschlick- Surprise!!! | |||
oohlalagirl- Surprise!!! | Fall2009Mom | <TD class=xl24 style="BORDER-RIGHT:#ece9d8;BORDER-TOP:#ece9d8;BORDER-LEFT:#ece9d8;BORDER-BOTTOM:#ece9d8;BACKGROUND-COLOR:transparent;" class="xl2
Re: *~*August Beach Babies Wed check-in*~*
my fav MM used to be the light brown ones from back in the i dont have a fav...
I am and its great. My fat pants no longer fit at all and i *should* be only in mat pants, but they are impossible to find in this town... Big U/S is in 8 days...cant wait to see him again
Jacob Alexander 7/23/09
Allergic to Dairy, Eggs and Peanuts
Jameson Adam 6/1/11
Allergic to far
Hi hi! I hope everyone is well!
I still feel like crap but I know it means that the baby is healthy and fine...yes it does!!!
Wednesday QOTD: Do you have a favorite color M&M? They all taste the same to me...not like smarties where orange is my favourite! But I'll go with green 'cos I'm Irish and it's St. Patrick's week! I love M&Ms though...they're great to munch on when feeling nauseous!
L? F?ile Phadraig oraibh! (Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!)...Belated!
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...
Do you have a favorite color M&M?
Nope, I just eat them lol
My next appointment is tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get some good news and schedule our next u/s.
DH now wants to find out the sex, but I still want to be surprised
His main argument is that he hates calling the baby "it" and thinks that if we know the sex, we'll magically know the name too lol I'm perfectly happy calling the baby "Bean" for now and alternating between he and she. Although I tried to compromise by saying either he can find out the sex or just keep it a secret between us, he says he won't be able to not tell everyone. Why can't we just agree on something about the baby for once???
No real favorite color of m&m's, I like all of them!?
As for updates,the baby seemed to be moving a ton yesterday! ?
Aug 19th- you can add me to team pink!
I don't have a preference for any particular color M&M, in fact since becoming pregnant I don't even care for M&M's, or chocolate, or much sweets at all. Bring on the salty stuff instead!
I don't have a fave color, but I love the minty M&M's at Christmas time. Mmm!
And I can be added to team blue!
In 10 days, we find out if our little Sprout is a boy or a girl! Can't wait!
I guess I favor the blue m & m's but they really all taste the same to me. SO it doesn't really matter!
green ones are the best of course!
that might just be because it's my favorite color...
Hi good morning everyone. I too agree with most posts-no favorite color of M & M's love them all. Unfortuantely this pregnancy does not like chocolate, very sad.
I am still sick all day and night. I am still on zofran but with plenty of fluids managing to gain weight. I have good days and bad days.
Update: My amnio results shoudl be in today. I am hopeful that I will be posting later what team we are on. I think girl but we will see. My anatomy scan is 3/26
I don't really like M&M's. But to mix the red and purple at the same time.
Big u/s tomorrow, but still not finding out the sex. I had a friend check my pulses, and she says boy, but we'll find out for sure in August!
I like 'em all! Bring on the choclate
Nothing really new to update......little one is starting to move around A LOT. FI was able to feel him for the first time this week and we are just starting to work on agreeing on a name.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Good Morning everyone. Yesterday was my birthday and I made it through without a green beer. I am officially in the AMA category now.
I'm feeling fairly well, although the avocado rolls and wasabi mix I ate for dinner apparently wasn't such a good mix. I paid for that all night and I'm still feeling the results this morning.
I'm feeling movement, but not strong or consisentant. The OB and perinatologist said that would most likely be the case due to the position of my uterus, but I will still feel much better once I feel the movement consistently. Big U/S is next Tuesday, I want to stay on team green, DH wants to find out. We'll see what we decide.
M&M's - I don't think there's a difference in flavor, although I tend to avoid the brown and red ones and eat the green, orange and blue ones more than others.
I haven't checked in in forever - since back in first tri, but I do lurk a lot.
I'm jealous of everyone's baby bumps and feeling their babies move! I'm not a patient enough person for pregnancy!
I love all M&M's equally!
Brown all the way! They just seem more chocolately
Anyone else fear their baby will be crazy? This LO is going nuts in my ute. DD did too and she still runs around like that - eek!
Good morning!
All is good here - the big ultrasound is next Wed! I can't wait
I forgot to answer Monday's question... but no, I don't get along with two of my neighbors anymore. We used to be friends when we first moved here, but had a major falling out a few years back. Now it's just very uncomfortable to live here. I can't wait to move! I am friends with the house next door, so that helps a bit.
Favorite M&M? Umm.. they all taste the same, but I'm partial to the green ones!
Wednesday QOTD: Do you have a favorite color M&M?
no fav color- I am not a big M&M fan. These are the one candy that I can eat multiple colors at one time.
I really like Peanut M&Ms though!!
Monday QOTD: Do you like your neighbors? not really.
we even put up a 6ft fence last year so hopefully that will be nice for this summer.
i can't believe i'm 20wks today!!!!!! i'll have to update my siggie w/ a new 20wk bump pic!
had follow up u/s yesterday to measure babies heart. all looked good. so i'm not going to get the amnio to check for downs since my u/s turned out good. i will be monitored closely for high bp and growth since those can be an issue w/ the results of my elevated blood levels. so i'll have another u/s at 32wks and then start non stress tests. always something.
Well, this headache is still hanging on. The good news is that for the most part it's low grade and stays between a 1 and 2 on pain scale. Last night it spiked though.
QOTD - No favorite M & M color. However, when I get a bag, I like to sort them all and eat all of one color first and so on. No particular order of colors though.
Hey there! Just scheduled our big u/s for April 2nd - I dont know if I am ready to find out the gender, that means I need to get to work on a nursery, playing the name game with DH, etc, but I am of course so excited.
QOTD: I dont have a favorite color of M&M, but I love a bag of them dumped into a bag of popcorn at the movies so when you grab a handful of popcorn you get a M&M too - salt and sweet is the best combo.
Hey there! My big ultrasound is in 2 days!! I hope Baby cooperates and lets us know if we're having a boy or girl. I'll update you next Monday since I won't be online after my scan.
And in case I've never said this before, thanks for running this list anicecchick!
As for M&M's... I never really cared about color. But I do enjoy getting those specialty M&M's in pastel colors for some reason.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!
My favorite is blue. I always eat them last.
I'm really wishing I could sleep, but I've only gotten about 3 hours per night, except last night when I got 5.5, but I drugged myself (with Benadryl) before bed so I could get a bit more. Now I'm practically falling asleep at my desk. The only thing keeping me awake is the horrible back pain. I guess I'm in a cranky mood today.
Wednesday QOTD: Do you have a favorite color M&M?
I guess my favorite color is green but I like them all. Yum..chocolate!
No news to report here. I definatley have a bump and I still need to post a picture.
My favorite M&M color is blue. I definitely don't discriminate against the other colors, but I do get a bit more excited when I get a blue one
My penta screen (AFP screen) came back abnormal yesterday. I'm super freaking out, but trying not to. I'm hoping for the best, obviously, but I'm also trying to trust that we are going to have whatever baby we do for a reason. I'm going in for a follow-up ultrasound this afternoon, so I'll keep you all posted on what happens. Prayers would be greatly appreciated!
I have my BIG ultrasound tomorrow at 8:00am!!! You won't be finding out anything exciting though.
.. team green.
Wednesday QOTD: Do you have a favorite color M&M?
No, I love them all equally!!!
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
No favourite colour for me though I always eat one colour first and usually save green and blue for the end ,so I guess those are my favourites : )
As for baby news, we have a week till our BIG ultrasound and are still having the debate whether to find out the sex or not. I am team surprise and my hubby is dying to know.....
My favorite M&M is the green one!
We are having a boy!
GREEN! My favorite color!
We found out yesterday we are having a baby girl. My husband immediately got all protective over her! How funny! Can't wait to start shopping and planning the nursery!
when i was younger, i used to separate the colors and then eat them one color at a time~ now i really like the blue ones and do get excited to see them! i will eat them all~ but for some reason, i do avoid the brown ones (just not appealing even though its the only m&m w/ less artificial coloring!)...
BIG u/s is next wednesday! i am so excited and can not wait to see if our lil peanut is a boy or a girl! we have to go right to accountant afterwards to do taxes then it's off to do shopping! (hopefully we aren't discouraged if we owe lol)....
haha!!!! I like the green ones too!
I do not have a favorite color M&M.....i like them all.
Can you please change my EDD to August 11th? Thanks.
I'm gonna go with green also. don't know why just like them is all.
everything is good just waiting for the big u/s (April 10th)
i have an odd ritual for eating m&ms. i line them all up by color in order of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown) and then eat randomly until there is only one of each color left. then i eat them in the rainbow order.
yes, i'm nuts.
Hi all! We found out Monday that we're having a healthy baby girl!
QOTD: I'll take M&M however I can get 'em
DD1: 9 DD2: 6
Due date Aug 3, 2019
I love the BLUE M&M's, maybe it's because back in the day when we got to vote on the new color I totally voted for blue and it's my fav color!
Big U/S is in one week...I can't wait!
I like the green M&M's, with orange coming in at a close 2nd.
Finally felt the baby move this week (with certainty this time). Such an amazing feeling!!