Wow, we out weigh Emma? I guess that's what 1.5 oz of weight gain a day will do. They really have packed on a lot of weight in a very short time. It never would have happened if we hadn't done the GJ tubes, though I still hate them. But I don't miss 4 hour feeding sessions with all the screaming and crying for them and me. I'm hoping that we can get the guys to eat all solids by June so that we can transition to G tubes and then have the tubes removed completely by Christmas.
Re: **ijack**
She has her official weight check on Friday, but she JUST broke 14lbs
She's so freaking tiny... one of holly's boys is actually triple her size.
I'm SO glad that they are working for you. You've been through so much lately, it's nice that something is working as it should be, as sucky as it is!
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*butting in* (Sorry I saw two of my favorite people, so I had to come in and be nosy.)
Congrats on the amazing weight gain, L.
I'm really hoping Robbie is right behind you guys. He lost 5 oz after the surgery.. but as of today we're officially working up his intake so hopefully he starts packing on some weight, too. He's still under 11lb. *sigh*
I'll tell you what, though. I went by the NICU today after our Dr's appt and all the nurses were like "Ohhhh.. he's so biiiiiiiiig" it was nice. I don't hear that much.
Some lady at the elevator said "Oh look, there's a new one right there.." and I couldn't help it, I said "he's not as new as you think he is.."
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