double snap-n-go. ?We don't go out much yet, but when we do it's a god-send! ?Also, i'm a big fan??of the "itzbeen" timer to help me keep track o how long it's been since the last bottle or diaper or dose of medicine.
Bouncy chairs were the most important thing! My girls had reflux so they spent a lot of time in the chairs after eating. Sometimes held bottles while they sat in their chairs.
Baby Papasan chair! It was by far the best thing we have for them for sleeping when they were little and now when they are sick. I like that it vibrates, but that it turns off after a few minutes so they aren't vibrating forever if you forget to go and turn it off.
Baby Papasan swing is great too!
Gerber wet cloths (don't know the exact name). basically they are pads that are waterproof. I put them on top of the changing pad and cover so I don't have to change the cover as often.
The ultimate crib sheet didn't work for us with our cribs because the slats were too big. They were more of a hassle than just changing the sheets and they didn't hold up well.
My boys didn't really like to be swaddled, so I wouldn't wash/take tags off unitl you're sure you are going to have swaddlers.
The Fisher Price Nature's Touch Baby Papasan Cradle Swing ( We got it when we had our first, back in 2006 and it was our lifesaver then too. We pulled that swing out, along with the FP Starlight Papasan Swing when we had the trio, and side-by-side the Nature's Touch blew the Starlight away. It's the best swing ever and I was SOOOO sad when we sold it.
One other thing that I LOVED and couldn't live without was the My Breast Friend nursing pillow ( I even brought it with us in the car on rides/trips/to other people's houses. It kicks the Boppy's ass. I have and used both, and it was by far the superior product. I used it to tandem nurse my trio, but I only nursed/pumped for them for 7 weeks, so they were still very little; it's useability might have been different for tandem nursing if the kids were bigger. However, the company is putting out a twins nursing pillow, so that might be available to you shortly.
Also, bibs were mentioned, but I can say that cloth bibs were the biggest waste of my time ever. They got so messy, didn't control much of the mess, the velcro never stuck to anythhing except other stuff in the washing machine... I love the Bumkins Super Bibs, but my DS is a real piece of work and he rips them off of everyone. I bought new bibs off a recomendation from another MoM, the Kidopottomus Bibbity bibs (, but I hate them. They are stiff and they stain and if you don't rinse them off immediately after a feeding you'll be chiseling the food off them later. Ugh. I am now considering adding snaps to my Bumkins bibs to make them more difficult to pull off, and b/c I love them so much.
Boppy bouncers--when they are little you can put both in one and our girls sleep better in them than in the crib.
EZ2 nurse pillow--incredibly helpful if you are planning on tandem breasfeeding
Double Snap n Go
Some type of baby carrier--DH likes slings and I just got a Baby K'tan and love it. Particularly with 2, you need something so you can "hold" a baby and still have free hands!
Gerber cloth bibs that have a waterproof layer (I've gotten them at Target and BRU)--we have one that spits up a lot and one that is a messy eater. Even though they are only 3 months, these things are lifesavers and prevent us from having to change their clothes multiple times a day!
Burp clothes--you can never have enough! We have some of the Gerber prefold (6/pack) and some of the single layer (12/pk) and it's nice having a variety.
Boppies, particularly if you are bottlefeeding
Regular bath towels--I cover their bouncers and the boppies with bath towels (not baby ones) so that if the girls spit up or make a mess you just throw the towel in the wash.
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Hands down - Boppies with an extra set of covers and the Bundle Me's for the car seats.
Other things I swear by...bounce chairs, wipe warmer, playtex drop-ins, and bibs bibs bibs (not the fancy ones you wear out but durable plain old terry cloth bibs - like the value pack of 10).
Things I wish I registered for: Dreft stain spray (works awesome on formula stains), Rearview mirrors for the seat backs, extra changing pad covers, Starter kit for tylenol, gas drops, motrin, etc.
Re: Tell me the one thing on your registry you couldn't do without!
Rainforest bouncer and swing
Boppy bouncer
Miracle blankets
Playtex drop in bottles (they save SO much time)
Bouncy seats
Ultimate Crib Sheets
We have 7 bouncy chairs. We use all of them.
The Medela quick steam bags. Keep one in your diaper bag and one in the car for emergencies.
Lots more bibs, lots and lots.
A third smaller travel swing for their bed room so I have a place to keep a baby upright while I'm dealing with the other one.
Always keep diapers of the next size up because suddenly you will realize you need one.
Burp cloths, lots and lots.
Dr Browns bottle brush is the best one out there.
Dr Browns formula mixing pitcher, I have two and love them. The Pampered Chef ice tea pitcher does the same thing and is larger.
vented sleep positioners.
wiper warmer
double snap-n-go. ?We don't go out much yet, but when we do it's a god-send! ?Also, i'm a big fan??of the "itzbeen" timer to help me keep track o how long it's been since the last bottle or diaper or dose of medicine.
bouncy chairs (although we only have 2)
what not to put: cloths, people will still give you a tone, plus for me, I enjoy so much going out and shopping for it!?
Bundle me (mine were born in Dec), double snap and go, boppies, and bouncy seats
Ultimate crib sheet
double snap n go
Two things....
Bouncy chairs were the most important thing! My girls had reflux so they spent a lot of time in the chairs after eating. Sometimes held bottles while they sat in their chairs.
Miracle blanket!!!
One thing? Here's a few things I was surprised how much I needed...
- washclothes (we used them as pee gards and wiping out their eyes and now we use them for meal clean up)
- swaddle me(s)
- my boys loved snoozing on their boppies (w/ a blanket shoved in the center) but more important was bottle feeding them early on
- Happiest Baby on the Block dvd (we watch it w/in the first week and it changed everything)
Baby Papasan chair! It was by far the best thing we have for them for sleeping when they were little and now when they are sick. I like that it vibrates, but that it turns off after a few minutes so they aren't vibrating forever if you forget to go and turn it off.
Baby Papasan swing is great too!
Gerber wet cloths (don't know the exact name). basically they are pads that are waterproof. I put them on top of the changing pad and cover so I don't have to change the cover as often.
The ultimate crib sheet didn't work for us with our cribs because the slats were too big. They were more of a hassle than just changing the sheets and they didn't hold up well.
My boys didn't really like to be swaddled, so I wouldn't wash/take tags off unitl you're sure you are going to have swaddlers.
Boppies are great they are multi purpose
3 in 1 convertable swing. They used it all the time and now they use the chairs as recliner/rocker...The recliner is great to feed them in too.
Dr Browns microwave bottle sanitizer
I couldn't agree more, I LOVE whoever invented those things, they were a real savior.
The Fisher Price Nature's Touch Baby Papasan Cradle Swing ( We got it when we had our first, back in 2006 and it was our lifesaver then too. We pulled that swing out, along with the FP Starlight Papasan Swing when we had the trio, and side-by-side the Nature's Touch blew the Starlight away. It's the best swing ever and I was SOOOO sad when we sold it.
One other thing that I LOVED and couldn't live without was the My Breast Friend nursing pillow ( I even brought it with us in the car on rides/trips/to other people's houses. It kicks the Boppy's ass. I have and used both, and it was by far the superior product. I used it to tandem nurse my trio, but I only nursed/pumped for them for 7 weeks, so they were still very little; it's useability might have been different for tandem nursing if the kids were bigger. However, the company is putting out a twins nursing pillow, so that might be available to you shortly.
Good luck!
I can totally second this formula pitcher. We didn't get it until the kids started to eat more, and I was so bummed that we hadn't bought it sooner. It changed our lives. Best thing ever. I have heard other MoMs say the same thing about a similar product, from Pampered Chef (
Also, bibs were mentioned, but I can say that cloth bibs were the biggest waste of my time ever. They got so messy, didn't control much of the mess, the velcro never stuck to anythhing except other stuff in the washing machine... I love the Bumkins Super Bibs, but my DS is a real piece of work and he rips them off of everyone. I bought new bibs off a recomendation from another MoM, the Kidopottomus Bibbity bibs (, but I hate them. They are stiff and they stain and if you don't rinse them off immediately after a feeding you'll be chiseling the food off them later. Ugh. I am now considering adding snaps to my Bumkins bibs to make them more difficult to pull off, and b/c I love them so much.
Boppy bouncers--when they are little you can put both in one and our girls sleep better in them than in the crib.
EZ2 nurse pillow--incredibly helpful if you are planning on tandem breasfeeding
Double Snap n Go
Some type of baby carrier--DH likes slings and I just got a Baby K'tan and love it. Particularly with 2, you need something so you can "hold" a baby and still have free hands!
Gerber cloth bibs that have a waterproof layer (I've gotten them at Target and BRU)--we have one that spits up a lot and one that is a messy eater. Even though they are only 3 months, these things are lifesavers and prevent us from having to change their clothes multiple times a day!
Burp clothes--you can never have enough! We have some of the Gerber prefold (6/pack) and some of the single layer (12/pk) and it's nice having a variety.
Boppies, particularly if you are bottlefeeding
Regular bath towels--I cover their bouncers and the boppies with bath towels (not baby ones) so that if the girls spit up or make a mess you just throw the towel in the wash.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Hands down - Boppies with an extra set of covers and the Bundle Me's for the car seats.
Other things I swear by...bounce chairs, wipe warmer, playtex drop-ins, and bibs bibs bibs (not the fancy ones you wear out but durable plain old terry cloth bibs - like the value pack of 10).
Things I wish I registered for: Dreft stain spray (works awesome on formula stains), Rearview mirrors for the seat backs, extra changing pad covers, Starter kit for tylenol, gas drops, motrin, etc.
I have to follow the ladies and give more than one thing.....
Boppies, they are the only way I can feed both at the same time with bottle propped up with blankets.
Miracle Blankets
Dr.Brown's Bottles made huge difference in reflux
Lots of Carter's bibs, they last longest
Double Snap N Go
Cloud B Twilight Turtle, they love it
Gerber Side Snap Tees
Rainforest bouncer and Jumperoo
A good swing
Wubba Nubba Pacifer Friends
Butt Paste
Baby Woozits
Skip Hop Diaper Bags
Lots of cloth diapers for burp clothes
Tip, Target brand wipes and baby detergent is the best. Better than name brand and saves a ton. I also love Luvs diapers
Good luck