Has anyone had it? At what point do I go to the dr? What dr? Ob or my regular? I have been alternating hot and cold on it, massaging, nursing, pumping. It works but then it starts to clog and hurt again. Should I just keep going? I don't have a fever but have the aches and chills that come along with it. It sucks, we leave for Florida on Thursday!!
Re: Mastitis question
It sounds like it's time to call the doctor (I called my OB) - the chills and aches are a sign of "getting worse" and mastitis can get really bad really quickly symptom-wise. Also watch for redness in the area (another sign of infection). Pump or nurse as much as you can, at least every 2 hours, too.
Esp. since you're heading OOT on Thursday, I'd try to get treatment started ASAP. Hope you're feeling better soon!