
A Little Down...advice?

I am sitting in my hospital bed and can hear babies with their Moms and it makes me sad that my baby is in the NICU.  Tomorrow I will be going home without her.  I know how lucky I am to have a baby and am trying to concentrate on the positive, but I think tomorrow will be hard.  Any other advice from Moms who've been there?  Thanks, Caroline

Re: A Little Down...advice?

  • After I delivered, I spent 3 more nights in the L&D room so my HELLP could be closely monitored. Everynight I had to listen to the other women in labor. I cried myself to sleep every.single.night. As jealous as I was, I knew that NICU was where my ds needed to be and that at that time, they could take better care of him than I could. Tomorrow will be hard for you, as will most days until your baby is home with you, but be confident that baby is in the safest place right now and you have the rest of your life to spend together. HTH. It will get better.
  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.


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  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

     Why is
  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

     Why is yours
  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

     Why is yours in the
  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

     Why is yours in
  • I am right there with you. I just left yesterday.  Everytime I would go to Nicu with my Mom she would point out all the babies that were in the nursery...I just wanted to say...Yes, I see them and dont rub it in that mine is not there...It is not fair..It is hard...good luck tomorrow.

     Why is yours in the Nicu?
  • I tried to delete...sorry...I do not know what happened.

  • i was sad when i left without lo but it made me all the more grateful when i got to take her home!Wink
  • i just left yesterday (monday). it was really hard but i know they're taking such good care of him there. there isn't much i can do for him now other than be there for him. and i know i can't kill myself being there 24 hours a day. i even get jealous of the other babies in the nicu that are further along than ds, not just the babies in the regular nurseries. i think it's only natural to feel that way and want your baby home with you. just know that soon they will be!!
  • ijackijack member

    Leaving is so, so hard but it gets a little better each day. Know that some day soon she will be home with you and for now she's in really good hands :)


    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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  • After I delivered I was put in the women's health unit and not the post partum unit with the other mothers.  I understand why they did it but it made me feel like I wasn't a mother.  It may not seem like it now but it does get easier. 
  • i HATED hearing other babies cry and i HATED having to leave the hospital without my babies. ?i won' sugar coat it, leaving the hospital was by far the worst day ever and i still am bothered that there were full-term babies in their mom's room when mine were 3 floors down in the nicu. ?take things day by day. ?know that you're being the best mom you can be at this point. ?look at your child...and be as strong as they are. ?



  • ((HUGS)) Just take it day-by-day.
  • I felt exactly the same way less than 2wks ago! listening to the cribs being pushed thru the halls was very depressing.  My first night I was discharged I was a basketcase too...DH had to pull me away from my son and force me into the car!  I cried leaving him just going to lunch for the first few days!  eventually it does get better.  now that he is in a crib and doing a lot better I have managed to relax a bit.  I know he is good hands and that the nurses are all very dedicated to all the babies.  GL!! it will get easier.

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