

DH and I are probably going to TTC #2 next year...I'm a CRAZY planner so yes, I know this is a bit premature but humor me.

If we put DC#2 in daycare, the cost of daycare for the 2 would only $40 less then my take home pay-but I carry all the insurance.

WWYD....? SAHM? Work anyway to carry the insurance (REALLY good ins.)...other?


  • I told you...move to Canada!  Our Province's healthcare is free and you get paid mat leave (not 100%, but over 50%.)


  • In this economy I would keep working.  But if your DH's job is stable and you can swing it comfortably on his income adding in the cost of insurance and still be able to save some then I'd consider it. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • That's so personal to your family dynamic. I'd still work because, well, I'm not cut out to be a SAHM. There's lots to consider. Good health insurance is important, but I don't think it would be my tipping point on whether I SAH or not, given that you have other health insurance options.

    Do you want to be a SAHM or work?

    Does your DH have work opportunities to get good insurance?

    Do you have other daycares in the area?

    Can you work PT?

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • What you have to take into account though is what would the cost be to have your DH carry the insurance for the 4 of you?  What would be deducted out of what he currently makes, plus if the insurance is not as good, what would need to be withheld into a flexible spending account to help compensate.  If after that, if his take home pay is something that you are comfortable with, I say go for it.

    Personally, I would probably stay at home. 

    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
  • imageveloelle:

    That's so personal to your family dynamic. I'd still work because, well, I'm not cut out to be a SAHM. There's lots to consider. Good health insurance is important, but I don't think it would be my tipping point on whether I SAH or not, given that you have other health insurance options.

    Do you want to be a SAHM or work?

    Does your DH have work opportunities to get good insurance?

    Do you have other daycares in the area?

    Can you work PT?


    I would LOVE to be a SAHM! But I wouldn't want to have to watch others kids in my home, I'm not cut out for that.

    He can get the ins, but it's not AS good as mine. I work for a hospital, so the ins here is freaking awesome.

    Jake is already in the cheapest daycare in our area-that is good quality. There are some sh!t holes that cost less, but hell no. ;)

    PT is an option...but IDK where/what...? Maybe selling tupperware? Wonder how much I could make doing that?


    Oh and B-- I would TOTALLY move by you, but DH hates cold... boo.

  • Hmm, that's a hard one.  Heath ins is reaaallly important to me but at the same time it kinda sucks to work just to pay daycare.  I would probably still work for the good insurance.  Are you a nurse?  Maybe you could work diff hours?
  • Nope, not a nurse, I'm office support.

    Maybe I can find a different job within our company that is a bit more flexible-maybe they'd let me bring DC2 to work the first couple months? Or work from home...Ugh. I dunno how this will work-but I didn't know how it would work with DS and it's working just fine! :)

  • That's a good idea!  Or maybe work 2 days from home and 2 days at the office or something, then you could just keep the kids in daycare half the time?  Sounds like a hard decision but it'll work out.  GL!
  • I guess if I did continue to work, $40/mo and good ins is better then nothing right?

    Now, when DC#3 comes along... I will probably still be working actually-cause DS1 will be in school by then. LOL Dang. I just won't ever get to be a SAHM!

  • Here is the other thing... Your DC is almost 2, right?  So if you TTC in a year, 9 months of pg + a few months maternity leave, your DC is 4- so you are only looking at a year or 2 of paying for both before you hit kindergarten. 
  • imagesuzymarie:
    Here is the other thing... Your DC is almost 2, right?  So if you TTC in a year, 9 months of pg + a few months maternity leave, your DC is 4- so you are only looking at a year or 2 of paying for both before you hit kindergarten. 
    very true...
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