
Parents of LATE circumsized boys, come in!

My DS is 5.5 and I was not able to afford to get him cut when he was born becasue the insurance didn't cover it at the time. DH and I are in the position where we could probably do it now and want to go ahead with it. Has anyone every done it this late?

Re: Parents of LATE circumsized boys, come in!

  • at 5.5??! that sounds horrific to me. and cruel...what reason would make you want to do that at this point in his life?
  • Uh oh!  Ima go make some popcorn!


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  • Im gonna come out and say this she didnt ask for the anti circumsion brigade to attack leave her be unless you have helpful info.  Now carry on
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  • I am honestly curious as to why you would want to do it at this point. What does the doctor say?
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • At this point I would wait for him to be old enough to make a decision for himself.  Babies won't remember being circ, a 5.5 year old WILL.
  • I don't like to get all judgy pants on the major issues- but I think the time to make this personal private decision was 5.5 years it has become HIS personal private decision, IMO. Let him do it when he's an adult, if he so chooses...
  • Haha no popcorn needed! Pedi said when he was around 3 yo that his skin was extra tight/small and it may need to be done eventually but we would keep an eye on it and see if it changed or if he outgrew it. Now this may be TMI but my dad had to have his done in his 20s and it wasn't due to hygiene issues. Pedi said that with that in the fam history that it was likely DS would follow and need his done too. We are not thrilled about doing it at this age but since we wanted to do it in the first place and it seems to be needed I wanted to know if anyone else had done their DS's late.
  • I probably wouldn't do it at that point.  I've recovered kids who had to have circs later b/c of infection (my nephew had it done later b/c of infection)... poor kids looked miserable.   They get over it quickly.  But if it's not necessary, I'd just skip it altogether.  ds was done as a newborn (dh & I went back and forth on the topic, he said go and now regrets it)... our pedi said it was purely cosmetic in the eyes of the AAP.... there is research that suggests dec HIV/AIDS rates in circ'd men in africa... but nothing elsewhere and given the sex ed and accessible condoms here, it is really more cosmetic.    
  • imageBrideofranken:
    I don't like to get all judgy pants on the major issues- but I think the time to make this personal private decision was 5.5 years it has become HIS personal private decision, IMO. Let him do it when he's an adult, if he so chooses...
    The decision WAS made 5.5 years ago. It was to be done...until we found out the insurance wouldn't cover it. Keep reading please, my explaination is above.
  • imagelizzie53084:
    Haha no popcorn needed! Pedi said when he was around 3 yo that his skin was extra tight/small and it may need to be done eventually but we would keep an eye on it and see if it changed or if he outgrew it. Now this may be TMI but my dad had to have his done in his 20s and it wasn't due to hygiene issues. Pedi said that with that in the fam history that it was likely DS would follow and need his done too. We are not thrilled about doing it at this age but since we wanted to do it in the first place and it seems to be needed I wanted to know if anyone else had done their DS's late.

    Now it makes a bit more sense... 

  • We had DS done "late" as in a month old, but that's because his pedi felt he was to small to do it at first.  I don't know about 5.5  It sounds like you are doing it for medical reasons.  I would probably have your DS talk to the pedi.  He should be old enough to understand.  I'm guessing at this point he will remember it, so I would want him to be prepared for what is coming.
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  • that does make a huge difference.  I've had pts that I couldn't place a catheter b/c it was so tight... that can cause issues.... talk to the pedi, see if it's necessary now.  talk to your son about it.  they do numb it locally... use a lidocaine jelly... most kids are more humiliated than in pain. they are groggy for a day ... but many were doing just fine the next day.  they have to lay low for a few days... no playground, riding bikes and what not...  but usually the urologist just prescribed motrin for pain and that was enough. 


    good luck.

  • oh and it's done under anesthesia at this age...   just some happy sleepy meds... it's quick... most are out and heading home within an hour or two. depends on if the doc wants him to pee before he leaves.
  • imageLinzDavid:

    Haha no popcorn needed! Pedi said when he was around 3 yo that his skin was extra tight/small and it may need to be done eventually but we would keep an eye on it and see if it changed or if he outgrew it. Now this may be TMI but my dad had to have his done in his 20s and it wasn't due to hygiene issues. Pedi said that with that in the fam history that it was likely DS would follow and need his done too. We are not thrilled about doing it at this age but since we wanted to do it in the first place and it seems to be needed I wanted to know if anyone else had done their DS's late.

    Now it makes a bit more sense... 

    I know, I'm sorry. I should have put this in the OP but I didn't think about the claws coming out. I should have expected it since they always do...
  • DH chose to have his done at 13 years old (he was learning about being Jewish and thought it was the right thing to do). He was in some pain for a week or so... but it did not scar him for life and we had our two boys circ'ed.

    I'd probably wait until it's absolutely medically necessary or until your son agrees to it at this point... 

  • well, that takes my judging down several notches...

    and Kev's- suck it.

    either way it sounds like he is in for some penile discomfort- poor kid!

    I hope it goes well-Im sure it will.

    good Luck!

  • imageLanaM:

    I'd probably wait until it's absolutely medically necessary or until your son agrees to it at this point... 

    I agree with this. 

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • ZenyaZenya member

    I'd probably wait until it's absolutely medically necessary or until your son agrees to it at this point... 

    I agree with this. 

    Me, too.  I wouldn't put my son through it at any age unless it was an undisputed medical necessity.

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  • I hate this post. It would be like saying : I feel badly. I threw my kid on the ground.

    then when people comment on that being kind of mean, clarifying that you did it to keep him from being hit by a truck!

    big difference.

    OOOOOR maybe I am just a bitchface waiting to pounce....

    either way, I am not of a mind to care what people do with their baby's weiner. but I do find circumcision at a late age for purely cosmetic reasons to be a for medical reasons, or to prevent later problems makes perfect sense.

    the end.

  • imageHalo79RN:

    that does make a huge difference.  I've had pts that I couldn't place a catheter b/c it was so tight... that can cause issues.... talk to the pedi, see if it's necessary now.  talk to your son about it.  they do numb it locally... use a lidocaine jelly... most kids are more humiliated than in pain. they are groggy for a day ... but many were doing just fine the next day.  they have to lay low for a few days... no playground, riding bikes and what not...  but usually the urologist just prescribed motrin for pain and that was enough. 


    good luck.

    Ok thanks! This is the kind of info I was looking for. It's not like I want to purposly put my child through pain for no reason, I just needed to know what other went through if they had to have it done 'too late'.


    You can put away the claws now people.

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