Hey ladies! I just booked our flight to D.C. for the end of April, so I have time to prepare!!! One of my questions is. Our flights are early morning flights. The one leaving home is at 7am which is the time DS usually wakes up in the morning. He doesn't demand milk right then but usually by 7:30 he has his milk and breakfast (by then I'd hope to be up in the air). I don't know if the little stores once we pass the gate offer milk, and not sure how to find that out either.
Am I allowed to put milk in his sippy cup and go through security, or can I possibly bring one of those juice box milks that Horizon sells? I'm CLUELESS!
Re: Whole Milk on Plane???
I have this same question. I think I may just call the airport directly. I'll let you know if I am able to get through this afternoon.
Yup I did. It says formula, breastmilk, and juice. Makes no mention to whole milk. I'd hate to get there with a sippy full of milk and them have me dump it out, or take the sippy cup all together
If it were me, I'd put it in bottles and take it on. I took full water bottles (like Dasani) and it was ok because it was "for the baby" when we were doing formula. They didn't care.
We stored whole milk in a thermos/sippy cup (with straw) for our flight last week. Security never questioned it at either airport. We also didn't have any issues finding whole milk once we were past security. Both airports had coffee places that sold it. Southwest Airlines does NOT have whole milk (or any kind of milk) on their flights (well...the flights we were on) so it's wise to call your airline to make sure you can get it on the plane (we're going to Ireland next month so I have to call UAL and Aer Lingus to verify this with them).
FWIW, we weren't questioned by TSA about any of the food/snacks we brought on for Sarah on this last trip either. Yet the trip we took in December they checked ALL of our food and drinks for her! Go figure...
When we flew at the end of February, I put Nora's milk in a small Thermos. I just took it out of the bag and told security it was milk for my daughter. At one airport I had to open it so they could hold a thing over it, but an the one coming home I didn't have to. It's REALLY not a big deal. You do not have to put it in a baby bottle or special container. A sippy cup of milk is totally OK. Regulations also state that you should not be asked to drink the milk or open an unopened container.
If you don't want to bother with the unknown or bother with keeping milk cold, and know you will be at an airport with a Starbucks then you can always get whole milk there. It's also really not a big deal to sometimes give a toddler 1% or 2% if that's all you have access to.?
kristabelle22581, you don't have to put the milk in a baby bottle. If someone?hassles you about milk in a sippy at your airport, then ask for a supervisor.