
follow up visits this week - so nervous

Dash has an appt. with the cardiologist on Wednesday and with the pedi neurosurgeon on Thursday.

I'm not worried about the cardiologist. Dash's murmur is very common and I think it's so not even a big deal. I'm fairly confident that we're not going to have to see this doc again for awhlie after this visit.

But the neurosurgeon ... now that's another story. Dash has an ultrasound scheduled and then his appointment. I'm so very very worried that they'll tell me his IVH has enlarged his ventricles significantly ... that we'll be looking at surgery after all ... etc. etc. I have no real reason to believe this, other than that I am a pessimist. And that if I go in thinking the worst, it won't be so bad to hear it.

Re: follow up visits this week - so nervous

  • i hope the appts go well. keep us updated! hopefully you are worried about surgery but he won't have to have any.
  • I think it's normal to expect bad news, whether there is a reason to or not! Hopefully you will leave feeling relieved! Good luck with your appts!
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