
working Moms: how much overtime from home?

Just curious: How much "overtime" are you willing to put in from home?

(ie: hours per week, non-paid)

Im just curious as my willingness has certainly changed over the last 2 years. 



Re: working Moms: how much overtime from home?

  • I do about an hour to two a night non-paid from home.  I'm a teacher. I take a laptop back and forth with me so I do all the paperwork I can on my computer.  I do all the grading of papers at school so I don't bring all that stuff (germs, lol) in my home.  I write all my IEP's, academic assessments and reports from home.  I try to minimize the time that dd attends extended care (she's at a preschool near my school) so I leave shortly after the kids do and I pick her up.  Once she's in bed, I work on the computer and then I do the nest stuff.  I don't like taking it home but there isn't enough time in the day and I don't want to stay in the building working late so ...
  • I'd say about 3 hours/week or so but not every week.  I don't get paid for OT.
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  • I used to do probably 2-3 hours a week, maybe more some weeks.  Now I'll do a couple hours if I have a presentation to get ready for, but other than that I don't really do any.  It probably works out to a couple hours a month.  My priorities have changed, that and a couple of reviews that didn't reflect the extra work and my time is now my time.
  • None, but I'm also a nurse. Smile LOL However, even if I had a job that I could possibly do from home, I'm not sure I'd want to.
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  • I'm salaried, so my job requires me to complete tasks, not work specific hours. I work 8-4 every day, work from home on Fridays, & probably put in another 5-10 hours/week. But, my schedule is flexbile. I'm leaving early tomorrow because Nick's class is having a St. Patrick's Day party & I'm bringing cupcakes (it's also his birthday).
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