
Getting up to stir dinner does NOT constitute abandonment, child!!!!

ARGH!!! ?Watching tractor videos on YouTube w/ Ethan and I had to get up to stir the chicken that's stewing on the stove and he throws a FIT! ?"don't go! don't leave me! I need you!!!!" ?

sigh. I hope this delayed reaction separation anxiety passes quickly. ??


Re: Getting up to stir dinner does NOT constitute abandonment, child!!!!

  • karma is such a biotch.
  • Lol!  I had to hire a sitter Saturday morning because ds was chasing me with his bubble mower throughout the kitchen and I needed to cook for a party.  He wouldn't leave me alone for a second. 
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  • MMML, pray tell, WHAT karma is it? ?Because I say nasty things to you?! LOL?
  • LOL. Ronan yells, "come bat, come bat" 
  • michaeltrish, that is hilarious! ?In his defense, it's been kind of a dull day for him--I cleaned most of the day and then he did the 30 Day Shred with me (which was hysterical!) ?So some cuddle time is definitely in order for both of us. ?
  • imagemarrymemylove:
    karma is such a biotch.


    I'm the grumpy old troll....who lives under the brrrrridge.


    WTF, MMML?  Every post you make makes me think you are a 52 year old fat man.  Seriously.  Why must you be such a douchewipe?

  • imagesummerbrideDC:
    michaeltrish, that is hilarious!  In his defense, it's been kind of a dull day for him--I cleaned most of the day and then he did the 30 Day Shred with me (which was hysterical!)  So some cuddle time is definitely in order for both of us.

    Lol!  We did squats this morning infront of the closet mirror.  He thought it was fun!

  • LOL, Co--only MMML could turn a normal element of toddler/pre-schooler development and behavior into a sign of bad parenting/karma on my part. ?

    Lame. ?:-)?


    LMAO at the grumpy old troll.  that's what i sing to ronan when he's being a pill. 

  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    LOL, Co--only MMML could turn a normal element of toddler/pre-schooler development and behavior into a sign of bad parenting/karma on my part. ?

    Lame. ?:-)?

    Hey you were the one who thought infancy and dependency was blissful. Obviously you didn't get enough and its coming back to bite you.

    DS gives plenty of cuddles but he understands what cooking is and will not put on that kind of stunt.?

  • imageco18co:


    I'm the grumpy old troll....who lives under the brrrrridge.


  • ohdeargod, MMML, that is such a lame attempt to make it sound like I did this to my child by being attentive to his needs. ?FWIW, he's generally 100% fine when I need my time and/or space. ?As a matter of fact, he played nicely for most of the day, by himself, so I could clean the house. ?He loves his babysitter and has no problem with me going out, either w/ my friends, or with DH. ?

    And I'm sorry that I don't think having a baby was such a fuckingnightmare as you did. ?Which is interesting to me, since I had PPD and you "didn't". ??

  • OMG, this whole thread just makes me LOL - can we write a grumpy old troll song?  Where's Goose when we need her?!
  • LOL, Hooray; Goose is the best Nest song writer ever.
  • imagemarrymemylove:

    LOL, Co--only MMML could turn a normal element of toddler/pre-schooler development and behavior into a sign of bad parenting/karma on my part.  

    Lame.  :-) 

    Hey you were the one who thought infancy and dependency was blissful. Obviously you didn't get enough and its coming back to bite you.

    DS gives plenty of cuddles but he understands what cooking is and will not put on that kind of stunt. 

     Wow, I know you've got your own opinions on things, but I'd hate to be your husband or kid. You sound like a bitter old hag.

    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • LOL at "come bat"

    As for the OP I secretly always love it when they get sad if we are hanging out and I get up to leave. I'm likely a co-dependant psychotic who will end up with the the next Ted Bundy as a son so take my opinion FWIW.

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