
Generic recs needed. Formula, diapers, etc

Hello Ladies!

Guess what?  We are OVER EXTENDED!  I am trying not to switch them off of organics but I need to save some money some place!

We are using size 3 Pampers Cruisers and Similac Defense Sheild formula.

Any suggestions on good generics to replace these?

Re: Generic recs needed. Formula, diapers, etc

  • We use the Kirkland's brand from Costco.  I've also heard good things about the Target generic formula.

    One thing you can do is make your own baby food.  You can buy in bulk at Costco or Sam's and then freeze it.  It is time consuming, but you can save a TON of money.  I've seen statistics that purchased baby food is usually around $0.25/ounce and homemade is anywhere from $0.01 to $0.10 depending on what it is.

  • i'm a big fan of the BRU brand diapers. heck, at this point, most generic diapers work pretty well. just try!
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  • We have E on the Target brand sensitive formula (switched him from Similac sensitive) and I actually like the Target brand better.

    With diapers we have had bad luck with some off brands so we are still using the pampers cruisers (although we haven't tried anythign new lately--let me know what works if you do try).

    I also make my own baby  food, and it is MUCH cheaper than the store bought stuff.

  • Costco formula is wonderful!!!
  • we have always ued the Costco diapers and love them.

    we also loved the Target version of Enfamil. They have a lot of generics of other brands, too.  The Target one made less bubbles than the Enfamil- so we actually preferred it - and 1/2 price is not bad!!!

  • forgot to mention- that target brands of most all things are pretty great.

    We use the Target version of Desitin- works just as well.... I ues all Target generic OTC drugs (tylenol, motrin, etc... for DS and myself as well).... target version of Aveeno oatmeal lotion - all work as well as the brand.

    the only target brand that i did not like was their version of Tums -the consistency was strange to me.

  • Here's a few things -

    - we have always used Target formula and i've got nothing but good things to say about it.  It's nearly 1/2 the price and certainly worth a shot.

    - My boys eat lots of applesauce.  I get the unsweetend Target brand for SUPER cheap. It's definitely cheaper than making it yourself.  It's not organice but the ingrediants: apples, water

    - Teething biscuits were getting too hard for them anyway.  I now use the Monkey cookies recipes on  I substituted whole wheat flour and less sugar.  I can freeze some and the boys love them - oh, and I added chocolate chips for a few for myself :).

    - Don't know what to tell you for diapers.  I'll be anxious to see people's recs.  I've never had great success and we still use Pampers.

    good luck!

  • i know ppl who have good luck w/ CVS brand diapers
  • One thing I can tell you is the Especially for Baby (Babies R Us brand) are not good for night-time but fine for during the day and are often on a great sale.

     I actually really like the ones they sell at CVS. Playskool or something is the brand name? They're in the red packaging. They actually do a great job.

     From my understanding, all formulas are created equal. They all have to be approved by the FDA under the same standards so really, I'm sure they'd do fine on a target/wal-mart generic brand.

  • We've used generic formula from the beginning and I agree with the others, much less bubbles than Enfamil.  I've used Target, Sam's, and Walmart.  Walmart/Sam's is actually cheaper than Targets, but only by about $2.00.  I buy all Target brand of meds, diaper rash creams, baby bath washes, etc.  Diaper wise we didn't have much luck with Target diapers and I haven't tried Sams or Walmarts yet.  We've had good luck with Luvs at the sitters, but have been using Huggies for overnights.  I've been meaning to check out the BRU diapers.
  •  I would suggest Target generics. They always seem as good as the real thing.
  • Target brand formula is great! $15.99 for a big ole can! We cloth diaper and i love it...inital investment but really cheap after that!

    I make all their food at home...I need to figure out a recipe for puffs soon! they pretty much eat table food. If you are sticking w/ organic try the 365brand at whole foods.

    wipes,motrin ect all target brand the only thing i buy expensive is all my burts bees stuff but it takes them a while to go thru...

    hmmm. oh and on a clothing note hit up once up a child ect...turn in all your gently used stuff and get $$ or a store credit. their stuff is great plus they have toys ect.

    we also have bought "family passes" to the aquarium, a plantation we like to visit that has a petting zoo and lots of pretty gardens and running room so we have a cheap but fun place to take them on the weekends. this is also a great gift your parents can get you guys when they say "what do you guys want?"

    also go thru all your monthly bills...I am not even kidding you we saved over $500 a month by finding stupid things that we never ever used on our cable bill, cell phone, phone, ect ect. Then every 6 months go back over it and I bet you will find stuff again!

    gl...I think we have all had to become thrifty!

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