DD didn't have a prefrence (I don't know if she was old enough to really understand in the first place). We found out the sex and then started using DS's name and calling him her baby brother, for a while she though all babies were brothers, and she did call him baby for a while even though we had been using his name.......
My niece wanted a sister with SIL had her second and a brother when she had her third...that's what she got too. The middle one (her younger sister) wanted a sister with the third and she was fine with a brother....it didn't seem to phase her.
DD was so young that she didn't care and well we did not ask
We found out. She adores her brother.
DD wants a sister now, she always says "one day I will have a sister."
For baby #3, I want a surprise.
DD kept saying she wanted a sister. I don't know if that was because it was what she wanted or just because she had heard sister more than brother. She had a brother and honestly at her age, I don't think she would have known the difference.
DD#1 was only 2 & well we didn't ask...she got a sister. This time we aren't finding out but neither girl seems to care if it's a brother or sister...they are just EXCITED!!
AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy...
Designing a Life Blog
I honestly don't think that toddlers have a real sense of what it means to have a brother vs. sister. It is just a sibling, another person. So, I'd be really surprised to hear of a toddler being 'upset' one way or another.
Interesting question! DD keeps saying I'm having a "girl baby" and I'm curious how she'd react if it turns out to be a boy. I'm not sure that it will really matter that much to her, but she does understand the difference between boys & girls at least somewhat--she uses "he" and "she" correctly and knows what the name will be if it's a girl vs. a boy, and that kind of thing.
my brother was 4 1/2 when i was born and was adament that he was having a sister. he wanted a sister, period. my mom has told me she was honestly worried about how he would react if i had turned out to be a boy.
Re: Since we're on a roll w/ questions for moms of 2+!!!
DD didn't have a prefrence (I don't know if she was old enough to really understand in the first place). We found out the sex and then started using DS's name and calling him her baby brother, for a while she though all babies were brothers, and she did call him baby for a while even though we had been using his name.......
My niece wanted a sister with SIL had her second and a brother when she had her third...that's what she got too. The middle one (her younger sister) wanted a sister with the third and she was fine with a brother....it didn't seem to phase her.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home