

Hey, so have you started any of the geek-o-riffic ami dolls yet?  (and if you have, help me for the love of god, the book is smarter than I am)


  • Funny you should ask....I am sitting here as I type this trying to decide if I'm going to start one of them, or start on the blanket I want to make for my niece to take to college in the fall.

    So far, I've scanned through the book, and took one look at those whacked out circle patterns in the back and got really scared. Then I noticed the plain english version right next to it. Phew! **However** I realized that if I followed the english version and looked at the circle pattern thing - they didn't seem to match up. I'm very confused! DH has pool league tonight so maybe that will be my project for tonight. I'll start the ninja. I figure since he's all black, it will be easier to hide my mistakes. Or lose my stitches - either one! :)

  • Ok, so it's not just me then, LOL  And that was exactly why I wanted to start the ninja first, too.  Love the book.  Hate that it's smarter than I am.

    good luck!!

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