
Hey X

Did you see my update below about the little girl?

Re: Hey X

  • Hey, just read it. I'm glad you brought it up and hope it is true. I am a total alarmist with this stuff and once someone puts an idea like that in your head, its hard to get it out.

    LOVE  the new pic. That is such a sweet picture.

  • I believe her, like I'd said, the accuser is a total exaggerator about many things-not just this-so I didn't really believe her in the first place. I called the Mom's mom to see what she thought, and she was also aware of it and said she'd been all over it asked the Mom and talked a little to the DD about it... so... I guess they have it under control-I mean, what else is there to do?
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  • Oh and ditto on the pics-- I love B.s sweet looking!
  • you are right, thats just such a huge thing to accuse someone of. Crazy.

     Thank you :)


  • It is huge- I agree, but she's accused people of stealing from her, vandalizing her property, saying stuff they didn't...ugh. she's just over the top...
  • sounds like a nutso then!
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