I haven't been on the board in months, so Hi everyone!
It seems like many have had them b/c during a bout of PTL, or just as a precaution after the 30 week mark (or so). I have had at least 10-20 braxton-hicks contractions a day since my 2nd trimester, but with no cervical changes, so technically I haven't experienced PTL (my OB follows me very closely). But, should I advocate for myself at my next appt. and ask to get the shot in case these contrax end up actually being real labor in the near future??? I am 31 weeks 1 day.
Oh, and did you get the shot more than one time? Why would you get it twice?
Re: tell me about steriod shots...
The shot is always given twice, it's given 24 hours apart so you'd have it one day and go back the next for the second dose (or if you're in the hospital it would just be one of the many fun pokes and prods you get daily)
I had it at 33 weeks because I was in serious PTL and they were afraid the babies might come that day or the next. They won't give it to you after 34 weeks because at that point the lungs are supposedly mature enough to not need them. Once you have the first shot you need 48 hrs for them to kick in, so 24 hrs after you have the second shot.
I don't think (although I could be wrong) that they give them as a precautionary measure, only if you're in PTL. I was having 10-20 bh more like every HOUR during the last part of my pg so I think you're probably ok
My OB didn't worry until it was more than one every 10 minutes.
I had one shot the day that Bella's water broke... they were trying to hold off labor for 24 hours so that I could get a second shot but my body was not going to let that happen. I was 33 w 6 d when I had them and they did require NICU time but were just feeders/growers and their lungs were mature. So I don;t know how much was their age and how much was the shot. I would talk to your Dr about it... it couldn't hurt to ask. I would think that with him watching you so closely they woould wait until you actually have PTL.
Good luck... and congrats on making it this far... keep it up!
i havent experienced any preterm labor either...therefore...it hasn't come up which is prob the case with you...(my guess)...
hope all contineus to go well!
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I had them at 35 weeks 2 days...I was checked into the hospital due to PIH and eventually had the babies at 35 weeks 5 days due to Pre-E.
Some OB's give the shots 24 hours apart -- they can also be given 12 hours apart (which was my case). I wouldn't have gotten the shots if I wasn't at risk of having the babies early. My kiddos came home with me in 3 days with virtually no NICU time (4 hours as was policy for babies < 36 weeks).
i had them when i went into PTL with my son at 32w. he was born at 36w and his lungs were perfect.
I asked my Ob about it for twins- if they would do it as a precaution and he said no- not unless i was having issues to make them worry about PTL, etc.