
if u had a vbac

what was it like and were you pleased with your choice in the end? i am considering this option and have done a lot of research but I'd like some first hand accounts if possible! thanks

Re: if u had a vbac

  • I asked a lot about this when DS was due because I almost chose a c section. We had a strange risk profile and I could have taken all the risk on myself by a c section whereas DS bore some extra risk with a vag birth. We decided in the end my risk was mostly unkown because women with my condition have rarely had kids (and we are rare anyway),

    But my OB who I trust absolutely told me that even with a perfect sewing job, the risk of rupture is not one he'd take with his wife. Good enough for me. When the main complication is death I'd steer clear.?

  • thanks for the response! very helpful!
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  • I was planning on it, but didn't get it.  My OB group was very supportive of vbac's, as long as everything else went well.  Personally, I think the risk of issues with major abdominal surgery (a c-section) is higher than the risk of uterine rupture for a vbac, assuming everything is going well in the pregnancy and labor.  There's some good info out there on the ICAN website and such - essentially the risk of uterine rupture is barely higher than the risk for a regular (non-vbac) vaginal delivery.  Anyway, for me, DD#2 was measuring large the whole time, and I had an ultrasound that showed she could be up to 10 lbs or more (DD#1 was 6.5lbs).  I knew that ultrasounds can be off by quite a bit, but after discussing it at length with my OB, also knew that there just isn't research about larger babies and vbacs because women just don't do them then - to me it made sense that the risk of uterine rupture would be higher with a larger baby, and it also made sense that labor would be tougher and more likely to cause complications, and after weighing the issues, I ended up deciding to schedule a c-section for 2 days later.  DD#2 weighed in at 9lb 3oz, and her head was stuck in my pelvis (you could see it on her head for the next 2 days), so it ended up being the right choice for me (even though I was SO frustrated about the c-section... UNTIL I saw DD ;o) ), but I'm still really glad I tried for the vbac.  It's definitely a personal choice, and I still miss that I'll never know what a "regular" vaginal delivery is like, but I have two healthy girls and that's definitely the most important thing!!  :o)  I hope you're able to make a good choice!
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