
Have any of you ever read property tax codes?

We pay our property taxes in two parts each year.  We just got our second payment notice and I was scrutinizing, out of boredom, the entire tax statement and I saw this at the bottom...

?According to collector?s tax roll you are the owner of the property appearing on this notice. Some of the taxes listed are in arrears. Notice is given you that unless all taxes in arrears are paid on or before 30 days from the above date, the collector will proceed to sell the above property to satisfy your entire indebtedness. Interest and penalties must be added to the total at the time of payment.?  (annotated code of maryland, tax-property article section 14-812)

...and it made no sense to me that your property could be sold, your $400k property to relieve a $3k debt.  Yeah, I pay $6k a year in property taxes.  So I went to the state of maryland's website to look at all this and just found some of the most ridiculous stuff.  It was very interesting.

Re: Have any of you ever read property tax codes?

  • Yep.  That is the government for you.  One of my neighbors, a mildly mentally handicapped man who inhereted the house free and clear, did not pay his taxes and they were going to take his house.  Of course, some "kind" aspic hole stepped in and offered to buy him another house and pay the taxes and help him move, if he would sell the guy his house for a 40% discount. 
  • imageJOEBunny:
    Yep.  That is the government for you.  One of my neighbors, a mildly mentally handicapped man who inhereted the house free and clear, did not pay his taxes and they were going to take his house.  Of course, some "kind" aspic hole stepped in and offered to buy him another house and pay the taxes and help him move, if he would sell the guy his house for a 40% discount. 

    WOW - That is just awful!


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  • they royally screw you where ever they can! ?our townhouse that we just sold... 2 BR/2.5 BA---NO YARD and crappy schools---over 8K---just absurd!

    joeBunny--that is just an awful story! :(?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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