I purchased a couple of baby things yesterday! Just 2 small toys, but we mailed our pre-application into an agency, and I needed to celebrate the step just a little. :-)
Nothing wrong with that! Dh and I buy baby stuff / gear when we see it on sale or a really good bargin... Congrats on completing the first step. We just did that a few weeks ago...
Hahahaha!! Check out all the "views" of this post... we must all be curious what you were "confessing" to!
Congrats on your baby purchases! Those things may be small, but I'll tell you what, a simple onesie or a package of pacifiers really could make my day back then! And really, there have been very few things that I bought that we haven't used or been able to pass on to someone else!
I got those plastic keys and that stackable ring thing, so cute!
Good choices!!! ?DS still plays with the keys when we are out to eat or in the car. ? He loves the rings as well. ?He doesn't bother with stacking them on the peg. ?He just likes to carry them around or--more often--throw them.
Re: confession
Nothing wrong with that! Dh and I buy baby stuff / gear when we see it on sale or a really good bargin... Congrats on completing the first step. We just did that a few weeks ago...
I don't think there is anything wrong with buying things.
Buying a couple of cute toys is not over the line. It's preparing!
Hahahaha!! Check out all the "views" of this post... we must all be curious what you were "confessing" to!
Congrats on your baby purchases! Those things may be small, but I'll tell you what, a simple onesie or a package of pacifiers really could make my day back then! And really, there have been very few things that I bought that we haven't used or been able to pass on to someone else!
Oh, BTW, that stackable ring toy was my daughter's FAVORITE for months! I have yet to meet a kid who didn't go crazy over that silly little thing.
Good choices!!! ?DS still plays with the keys when we are out to eat or in the car. ? He loves the rings as well. ?He doesn't bother with stacking them on the peg. ?He just likes to carry them around or--more often--throw them.
I'm so excited for you!?
yeah you!
i think that is a great idea!