I haven't seen it. One of the kids at daycare brought it in for the class to watch. I know it's rated G, but seems like the material may not be appropriate for 3 yr olds. Thoughts?
There is nothing inappropriate persay, but I can't say that I think 3 year olds would really enjoy it. Although my DS is 3 and his current favorites are Labrinth, Ghost Busters and Harry and the Hendersons- he kicks it old school.
I don't think I'd say it's inappropriate. I let A watch it b/c she loves the singing and dancing. I find it can of cutesy and catchy too. I think I could think of worse movies for them to see.
Kissing-- you're ds is awesome. An '80s baby.... love it.
My SIL was 4 when the first one came out, and she loved it - I don't think she really understood what was going on in the story, but she liked the singing and dancing. There's definitely nothing inappropriate in it.
Re: Is HSM appropriate for preschoolers?
There is nothing inappropriate persay, but I can't say that I think 3 year olds would really enjoy it. Although my DS is 3 and his current favorites are Labrinth, Ghost Busters and Harry and the Hendersons- he kicks it old school.
I don't think I'd say it's inappropriate. I let A watch it b/c she loves the singing and dancing. I find it can of cutesy and catchy too. I think I could think of worse movies for them to see.
Kissing-- you're ds is awesome. An '80s baby.... love it.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.