Baby Showers

No cards, instead books... wording help please!

So, my sis is 6 mos preggo and I need some help on how to word her invitation. We are thinking of asking for books instead of cards. What do you think? TIA!

Re: No cards, instead books... wording help please!

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    "Instead of buying a crappy card we don't ccare about, buy a book that costs 3 times as much. And a gift. Better yet, just give cash. TIA."
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    Above poster said that WAY too rudely, but basically, I agree with the point.

    The first problem is telling people to bring a book is directly TELLING someone what to buy.  Not really the best idea.

    Second problem is, as someone states, books tend to cost more than cards (especially if your friends/relatives are anything like mine and tend to buy cards from the dollar store).  So I'm not sure it's the best idea.

    If the mom-to-be would like to get books, though, she could always add some to her registry, or register at (I've heard some people mention doing this)
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    I know a lot of people do this, but like the pp said I think it's honestly kind of rude. If I were being invited to a shower where I was asked to bring a book instead of a card I would be pretty annoyed. Times are tight, and a book costs at least three times as much as a card would.
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    I have to disagree with pp. I just had my shower and we did the book instead of card thing and my friends that were invited told me that it was a great idea. You can buy books at the dollar store that are actually cheaper than buying a card. Also, people could spend a little less on a gift and buy a book also. It really is up to you though. My best friend did it a few years ago and I thought it was a great idea.
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    Honestly, I think it's ridiculous. A lot of my family wouldn't have come if I had done this. They like to choose their own gifts and cards.
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    On the invitation for my shower, the hostess wrote "To help start baby Noah's bedtime story collection, please bring a copy of your favorite children's book."  I don't think you have to say "instead of a card."
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    I actually love the idea & my mom is doing this for my shower. There is a poem somewhere on this board, if you go back a bit. I have been to several showers where this was requested & it didn't bother me at all.

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    THat wouldnt bother me at all. Its everyones choice to buy the book or not. I have seen many books at Dollar Tree, Walmart has many bargin books, even at Borders. Personally every time I go into Borders they ask you to buy a childrens book for some charity. I always do... They are never more than $3.00.... Plus if your budget is X amount thats all your going to spend on (gasp a book, wrapping paper and the rest of the gift). I would rather buy a book that the child would have then a card that I would just throw away....

    If someone thought it was offensive then oh well. But as pp said go back and they have asked this question multiple times.

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    If you have done this, obviously no one is going to tell you that they thought it was rude.  That would be, well, rude!

    I do think it is in poor taste to ask for anything on an invitation.  A registry is a list of suggested gifts, putting something on an invitation is more than a suggestion whether it's in a cute poem form or not

    I agree with a pp, if you want books just register for them!

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    I think it could be cute, but how many copies of Goodnight Moon do you really need?

    Also, if you could find a way to put it as being optional, I think that would be your best bet.  Telling them they should get a book instead of a card is rude imo.  I know you can get books for next to nothing (Golden Books used to be this way), but I think some people would rather spend the money on something else for baby.

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    Some people do end up with a lot of duplicates, which is a problem if they have "inscribed" something personal in them - you don't really want to throw that away.

    I do think it's more rude when worded like "instead of a card..." as opposed to just suggesting books.

    But I still don't like the idea of basically telling people what to buy you. 

    HOWEVER...Going with what the previous poster said, about SUGGESTING it instead of making it seem like a demand, you could put something like "Mom-to-be is registered at _______...children's books are also appreciated"  or something like that.

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    "Instead of buying a crappy card we don't ccare about, buy a book that costs 3 times as much. And a gift. Better yet, just give cash. TIA."

    well I think she was ironic and I totally agree, besides asking for a gift asking for a book instead of a card ....I think It's way too much...BUT if you are asking for a book instead of a gift then Yes

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    I agree with not mentioning it in the invite.  I just had my shower and my invite was all of the basic info and in a smaller print at the bottom was "Kelly is registered at...."  I had thought about books too though, but I put that on my registry, so people who needed or wanted help could seek it.  On the registries it said "Instead of a card, consider leaving your message for baby in a book to start her library."  I would never have said "DO THIS."

    We also did a diaper raffle and THAT info was on the invite.  "People bring a pack of diapers, any shape any size, to enter a raffle for a really great prize."  People weren't obligated to do this, and if they did, they were entered into a drawing for a really nice gormet gift basket that everybody drooled over once they saw.  Not everybody participated, but most did, and it REALLY helped.  I figured people might spend $15 or so on a pack and so the cost of the items in the basket was about $50.

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    "Instead of buying a crappy card we don't ccare about, buy a book that costs 3 times as much. And a gift. Better yet, just give cash. TIA."


    I recently attended a baby shower where the the invitation asked us to do this with a cute poem, and I really didn't mind.  I picked a board book that cost $4.99, just a dollar or so more than a card.  However, I don't think I would ask guests to do this, because I think it is in poor taste to "ask" for anything specific at all. 

    Like PP said, you could indicate that you want books by registering for some, and including a note that says "Books are appreciated" or something polite like that on the registry.

    FWIW, at the shower I just went to where we were asked to bring books in lieu of cards, the mom-to-be got a TON of duplicates.  I think she got 3 or 4 copies each of Pat the Bunny, Goodnight Moon, Cat in the Hat, Are You My Mother?, etc. 

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