Today was my last day!! I'm so excited to just not have to get up and teach all day long. Part of me feels guilty for leaving early, but I'm sure come Monday I'll be fine with it.
Hopefully I'll have at least 4 wks before these little guys get here and I'll need it bc we have nothing done yet!! I'm just so excited that I'm done!
Re: Officially on maternity leave!!!i
don't feel guilty- you are doing the best thing for your babies!
I'm being taken out of work in 2 more weeks (in my 28th week) b/c my job has me driving all day, walking, standing, carrying things, etc - and i can not WAIT b/c i'm so tired these days!!!!
enjoy the time off- take it easy while you are doing things- not too much in a day
Yay! My doctor pulled me as of Monday - it has been a great week! I know we had talked about being in similar situations, and I can tell you, not being at school really helped!
Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09
Mia - 6/16/11
Surprise! due 2/23/17