
WOHMs of 2+

OMG how do you do it all? I am starting to panic about going back to work. I can't get everything done now, when I am not working at all.
DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: WOHMs of 2+

  • Some days are hell!  Some days are okay.  But my house is a mess and I am tired!  When Kyle has a good morning the whole day is easier.  I feel like so much depends on my 2 year olds mood!
  • We have a cleaning lady and a landscaper.  There are days when I get everything done and weeks when the laundry isn't all folded and put away......I've learned to let it go.  I also plan ahead so there isn't any "what is everyone going to wear today" in the morning.....esp at first........after a couple weeks it's the same as having one in the morning.  Good Luck!
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  • hahaha I don't LOL

    Some days really bite the big one.  Some are ok.  We're always tired, and the house almost always looks like crap.

  • I work part-time, but I still find there's not enough time in the day.  Grocery shopping is the hardest.  We eat out way more than I'd like to.  And I'm ALWAYS behind on laundry.

    Getting out the door in the morning with two is the worst.  Thankfully, H is really good about helping, but I've been having to get up an hour earlier than I did before to make sure I have enough time to nurse, console a crying baby, wrangle a cranky toddler and get myself looking moderately presentable.

  • This sounds terrible, but the only big difference between being a WOHM of 2 vs 1 is that now I truly appreciate getting to be a WOHM!  I desperately wanted to SAH when it was just one, but holy hell, I think I really would go nuts if I was home every day with two.  Ditto what another poster said, if you can, get a cleaning lady to come every other is sooo worth it for your sanity. 

    ETA: and you definitely have to learn to just let some things go.  That was the hardest adjustment for me!

  • Alcohol and a cleaning lady :)
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