Baby Names

Help please

I'm looking for a boys name that is three or more syllables and doesn't have a nickname. Am I asking too much? Our last name is one syllable and I don't think one syllable first names sound good with it. For example, I LOVE Nicholas, but Nick doesn't sound good with our last name because it's one syllable. Is there a website where I can search names by syllables? Do you have any suggestions?

Re: Help please

  • Christopher, Alexander, Jefferson,

    Even thought they could be called Chris, Alex, and Jeff doesn't mean that you 'have' to give them a nn. It is whatever you what them to be called. IMO

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  • LMS05LMS05 member

    Christopher, Alexander, Jefferson,

    Even thought they could be called Chris, Alex, and Jeff doesn't mean that you 'have' to give them a nn. It is whatever you what them to be called. IMO

    I see what you're saying, but when they are teenagers, they should be allowed to be called whatever they want. My MIL named her sons Benjamin and Phillip and always told people to call them that. Well, now that they are adults they go by Ben and Phil and those names don't sound good with our last name. I want to avoid what my MIL did. She gets really mad when people call them Phil and Ben, but it was bound to happen imo. ?

    • Isaiah
    • Nathaniel
    • Elliott
    • Adrian
    • Julian

    You can try under Name Finder.

  • LMS05LMS05 member
    • Isaiah
    • Nathaniel
    • Elliott
    • Adrian
    • Julian

    You can try under Name Finder.

    Thanks! I like Isaiah a lot. Lets see what DH thinks. ?

  • here is a link, you can type in "starts with", "ends with " and select syllables

  • Well, some of my suggestions are only going to have 2 syllables.  I don't know your last name, but I picked "Tate" just to try them out with a 1 syllable last name and they sounded fine.  It may not work in your case.  Here are a gew suggestions:

    Elijah, Brennan, Emerson, Emery, Tanner, Hunter, Oliver, Parker, Everett

     I also really like Isaiah like a pp mentioned. 

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  • Sebastian, Julian, Damian, Darius, Dominick, Everett, Jeremy, Matteo, Oliver
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  • Jeremy, Oliver, Damien
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