I am not sure if we are going to have any more children or not just yet and dh is telling me he will just get "fixed." He told me if we decide to TTC again then he will just get it reversed.
I am starting to think this is his way of telling me no more! I keep putting it off b/c I am just not sure about it yet. What if #3 is a girl?! I just keep thinking 'what if', kwim?
H keeps telling me he is just not sure if he wants anymore, but maybe one day he will again. Do you think this is his way of telling me he does not want anymore kiddos?
Re: Dh wants a vasectomy...
The procedure is "technically" reversible, but not in all cases will it work.
I agree with the others, if you two aren't both 100%, it is not the time for a vasectomy. Both DH and I agree that we're done with kids, so he's getting it soon.
But I think if either of us had any doubts, ANY doubts, we'd pursue other methods of BC.
I agree I would go with Mirena or another form of BC until you both know for sure that you are done. Insurance won't cover a reversal and often times they don't really work.