Ella was seen about 2 weeks ago (it will be 2 weeks on Monday) and was diagnosed with an EI. We talked about tubes since she has had so many. Well she is still miserable - she did seem to be doing better for a while, but now it seems as if it has come back. I made her an appointment for 1:00 today to have it looked at again. Will they count this as the same ear infection? Or does this count as another?
Re: ? about EI that doesn't go away....
They'll probably say its another one. Does Ava have tubes? If I remember correctly, she does but my memory tends to fail me.
I'd look into tubes soon. I would consult with an ENT because I hate rounds of antibiotics back to back.
Oh my gosh, Brooke gets more and more beautiful every time I see a new picture of her!
This has happened before and they gave her another antibiotic. they always treat it with Amoxicillin, and then something stronger if it comes back. We will see when we go at 1:00. I hate seeing her so miserable.
Thank you and ditto! Both your girls are gorgeous!
I know, I hate it too. I am so thankful that B outgrew her EI's. That was the worst part of her infancy!
I hope she feels better.
Ohh that's right. Lea, push, push, push for that!!! B had her 1st hearing test around 9 mos old.
M - Did Brooke have to get tubes?
And thank you!
Ella sounds like Iler was...too many EIs, speech delay, etc.
I hope you have the end result that I finally have (without all the additional sets of tubes like Iler had). She no longer has a communication delay, no hearing loss, and aside from having strep right now, she's finally a healthy girl!
It's tough though. Ava's language has always been advanced - so how much of Ella's delay is because A.) Ava talked earlier and we can't compare the two (which we don't) B.) Ava is talking for Ella. C) Ella just doesn't want to talk.
But, she has had at least 7 EI since August, not counting the ones she had last winter.
Plus she is going on 15 months and not talking. We will see. hopefully I have some more answers today.
No! Its been talked about since she was 9 mos old but luckily we avoided it by waiting it out.
Also, in B's case I knew her hearing was not affected, I could tell by her speech that she was fine. If that weren't the case, I would've probably done tubes. Lucky for me, the fluid finally cleared and although she had some minor hearing loss, it was only temporary and returned to normal when we went for a hearing test in September.