

Awe- love the new pics!!!!

Re: mamarazzi

  • Thanks!  I'm kind-of obsessed with taking pics of my kids.  Lawrence has started giving me the side eye every time I come at him with it...and bribery stopped working long ago.
  • LMAO @ "side eye"!!!! Jake does that to me, I love it!

    There's nothing wrong with taking pics of the kids-especially since you take such awesome ones! :)

    Do you do photography as a side job?

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  • imageamiamish:

    LMAO @ "side eye"!!!! Jake does that to me, I love it!

    There's nothing wrong with taking pics of the kids-especially since you take such awesome ones! :)

    Do you do photography as a side job?

    Right now photography is mostly just a hobby.  I do take some pics here and there on the side (mostly of my friends' kids), but I'm hoping to eventually make a decent side income off of it.  I really enjoy it.

    Thanks again for the compliments!  Love Jake's pink bike!  H would DIE if Law rode a girly bike.  He has a hard enough time dealing with it when he asks for "my house" at Nana's (my baby sister's old Fisher Price Dollhouse...Law LOVES it). 

  • hahaha!! All of Jake cousins and my friends kids are girls, so he's surrounded by girl crap. LOL

    The pink bike was an accident, my mom bought it, THINKING it was blue (the pic on the box was blue) and when she pulled it out to show Jake he refused to let go of it, get off it, or even let it out of his sight for the first couple days...he LOVES it. DH and I just laugh since we know it was an accident. :)

    Tell your H- "real men can rock pink!" :)

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