where did you buy your christening dresses/suits? Any twins discounts or good websites? i was going to go to BRU to use up some gift cards, but wondered if you lovely ladies have found good websites.tia!
I have been agonizing over this for weeks! I've pretty much visited every boutique that carries gowns in all of Rhode Island. Anyway, that's just because I'm picky and want the heirloom all cotton gowns. This is the one that we are going with:
I'm working with a boutique in RI where the owner is giving me a discount since I'm buying two. I'm just waiting to hear back from her about the price. If it's not lower than Saks, then I'm taking a drive to Braintree in hopes of them having it at that store. Let me know if you want her number - I'm sure she can order/mail out what you want. Plus she had said that if I ordered one and didn't like it she would just keep it as a sample.
I don't know about where to buy dresses online. I had my wedding dress made into outfits for them. I just wanted to let you know that I sell keepsake bonnets for things like Christenings if you would like to see pictures of them
We just had our boys baptized last week and I waited til the last minute to buy outfits so was worried about them getting here in time.
I went to Sears and they had a pretty big selection of various styles for boys and girls. We ended up getting something that was non traditional (see siggy) because my church didn't require the traditional outfits and the ones we bought were very cheap on sale and they can wear them again AND, neck ties, I couldn't resist!!
Re: christening/baptism dress online?
We chose these for the girls from amazon. $40 each - very cute!
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
I bought mine from Strausburg. ?I bought them in the store, but you can also get them online:
I am not sure if they have a multiples program. ?You could call customer service and ask.?
I have been agonizing over this for weeks! I've pretty much visited every boutique that carries gowns in all of Rhode Island. Anyway, that's just because I'm picky and want the heirloom all cotton gowns. This is the one that we are going with:
I'm working with a boutique in RI where the owner is giving me a discount since I'm buying two. I'm just waiting to hear back from her about the price. If it's not lower than Saks, then I'm taking a drive to Braintree in hopes of them having it at that store. Let me know if you want her number - I'm sure she can order/mail out what you want. Plus she had said that if I ordered one and didn't like it she would just keep it as a sample.
We just had our boys baptized last week and I waited til the last minute to buy outfits so was worried about them getting here in time.
I went to Sears and they had a pretty big selection of various styles for boys and girls. We ended up getting something that was non traditional (see siggy) because my church didn't require the traditional outfits and the ones we bought were very cheap on sale and they can wear them again AND, neck ties, I couldn't resist!!