we're trying to think of "a" girl names -- DH is pretty set on aliza, and i guess i am too, but i also thought of aiyla (eye-lah) today. not even sure how to spell it, maybe ayla? aisla? aila? any opinions on the 2 names?
another one i love is amaya, but it doesn't really go with our last name. thanks.
Re: aiyla vs. aliza
Neither of them are my style... I am kind of thinking along the "A" line to if we would have a girl (or blessed with a baby in general!) We love:
Autumn (Mackenzie)
Abigail (Rose or Mackenzie)
Allison (wicked BM is named this so no way...)
Eye-la = Isla
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Aliza makes me think of Alize, the alcohol.
Aiyla sounds pretty, but probably should be spelled Isla.
I like Amaya; it's really pretty and "soft."
Is there a specific reason for the "a"?
Aiyla, Aliza, and Aisla look too made up in my opinion. I think they'd look better if they were spelled a more traditional way (Isla, Eliza, etc.).
I do like Isla, Lilah, Layla, and Eliza - just not spelled with an "a" in front.
yeah, we'd like to use an "a" name in honor/memory of my uncle andy... i like isla & eliza too, and so many other "a" names, but unfortunately my hub keeps vetoing my ideas without suggesting any of his own
i think that because i have a friend named liza & a client named alyza, that aliza doesn't seem made up to me (though i'm not 100% in love with it either)... and i agree on aisla. i guess ayla is a little better. ug! thanks for the thoughts...
Ayla means 'oak tree' in hebrew (my neighbor has a 2 year old Ayla), pronounced ayy-lah
Isla is celtic, the name of a scottish river, and is pronounced like island, but without the nd... I knew one in high school
Both are pretty and they are unusual. But I don't think you can spell Isla with an "A"...
I prefer Eliza over Aliza.
Aiyla may end up being mispronounced as AY-la. Isla is the spelling that I have seen before although the name is nms.
I like Eliza a lot. Others that are similar that I like are: Alisa, Elisa, Alina, Elina, Elise, Elsa and Ella.
ETA: just realized you only want A's...
I agree with the poster above who say Ayla is a Hebrew name and it is always pronounced "ay-la" not "eye-la."
Amaya is very pretty, but if it doesn't work with your last name, what about Amalia? Obviously, I'm partial to that name...
Other A names I like: Anais, Aviva, Aida (pronounced A-ee-da, not Ida), Aurora.
It's Eliza, not Aliza.
Aliza looks too weird.
What about Layla instead of Aiyla?
eye-la is so cute i would spell it one of these two ways....
Isla or Iyla
Is there a reason you need an A name? The spelling Aliza looks off. I like Eliza much more. Also, I like Ayla (not Aiyla) if you are going to pronounce it Ay-la not Eye-la.
What about Anya? Abigail? Aubrey? Audrey? Arianna?
Good friend from college was Ayla and pronounced it (a-la)-with an a sound, not the eye...
It is one of my favorite names for a girl! ??
Ayla is the easiest to pronounce.?
I personally don't care if things went with my last name or not, because our last name is incredibly long and not a verb or something like Butt.?
It's Eliza, not Aliza! I don't like mis-spelled names either. Obviously i love Eliza, it's my fav name, i called my daughter that. But if you're goingwith an "a" name,my vote goes to Ayla.
xx Lisa?
I like the idea of honoring a relative, but I'm not sure that choosing a name that just starts with the same letter is really going to do that. I'm not sure that people will make the connection that you were trying to honor them.
Would you consider using Andie/Andi as part of the name? Also I thought of Andrea, Annika, Andley, Holland, & Miranda.
my uncle's no longer alive, so he's not going to make the connection either way, but our family will, as it's a tradition to name a child after a relative. and aliza (a-lie-za) isn't a made-up name or misspelled... it means "joyful" in hebrew.
i do like the idea of incorporating andy in some other way (like andie), thanks.
I agree that Eliza looks better spelled with an "E."