
Need Potty Training Help

DS started potty training in January. So far he has done really well during the day with #1. At first he was fine with pooping on the potty too, but all of a sudden that's changed. A few weeks ago he started asking to sit on our lap any time he had to fart or poop. Most of the time it was just a fart and he always told us in time to go poop on the potty. Then this past week he's regressed again. He begs to sit on our lap - freaking out if we don't let him - and has pooped his pants twice now as DH or I were trying to get him to the bathroom. Then, tonight when it happened he absolutely FLIPPED out crying hysterically not wanting me to clean him up.

 WHAT'S GOING ON? This is insane!!! We've tried special rewards for when he does poop on the potty, we cheer and clap, we've talked about how we don't poop in our pants, etc. It just seems to be getting worse instead of better. If we try to get him to sit on the potty when he is begging to sit on our laps and clearly needs to go, he FREAKS. I know it's harder to potty train #2, but I just can't figure out how we went from it being okay to it all being down hill.  Any one else have this issue? Any ideas?



Re: Need Potty Training Help

  • This might help...

    DD was doing well with #1 but demanded to have her diaper on for #2. I didn't argue with her, just put her diaper on and let her do her business. When I changed her, I would act disappointed and remind her (gently) that babies poop in their diapers and big girls go in the potty. Didn't really seem to phase her. So I then started telling her that if she went poopy in the potty, then she would get a present. I told her this for about three or four days before it really registered with her - then one day, she told me she wanted to poop on the potty, she did it and then asked for a present! So we keep suckers in the bathroom now and every time she poops, she gets a sucker. She started doing this last Saturday and hasn't pooped in her diaper since!

    Good luck!

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