I have seen several online certificate programs through accredited colleges for becoming a pharmacy tech and was interested. Does anyone know if these certificate programs are legit and something pharmacies accept? Also what is the average beginning salary? Is it an easy field to find employment(I know the current state of the country makes everything a bit hard but in general) I have been a stay at home mom for almost 3 years and do not wish to go back into my previous line of work. I found this interesting and a good possible career change for me. Thanks in Advance.
Re: Anyone a Pharmacy Technician?
I was a Pharm Tech for Walgreens for about 2 years. I loved that job. I had training through Walgreens though and they paid for my certification test. They will pay for 2 tests then you're on your own.
Not sure about how easy it is to find employment b/c I'm a SAHM right now.
The pay wasn't great but it wasn't bad either (I was single at the time and going to school). I think I started around $9.00 and got a dollar raise when I finished getting my certificate.
My cousin was a pharm tech. She worked 3pm-11pm and, sometimes, the 11pm-7am. Since she worked the odd shifts, she got extra pay and made $18./hr at a hospital with great benefits.
She loved it. She's not doing it anymore, but that's a whole other story!
I am one. You don't need to go through a program. They just want money. You can get a couple study books off of Amazon and read them. If you are good at math it will be easy. You can sign up to take the PTCB test and get certified. You don't have to be certified in AZ but it helps you get hired. Different states have different rules.
I think it depends on where you are if it will be easy to find a job. Due to the economy Walgreens is consolidating and in my city they haven't been hiring for a while.
I love it and I am going to school to become a pharmacist. I started at about $9 but 2 years later was up to $15 plus the benefits are great.