I was told to post this over here as well...
DS has been wearing his helmet for 2 months now. He has sweaty head stink from it and I am looking for a tip on how to take care of this. I wash it with a toothbrush and swirl alcohol around in it and let it dry. It still stinks. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Helmet Head Stank???
If his head is sweating, our therapist told us to take off the helmet, wipe down the head and the helmet and put it back on. You're "allowed" to do that as much as needed for sweat.
I wash mine with a washcloth and alcohol every night. It stinks before I wash it but not after. Maybe use a little more alcohol??
Thanks so much!!!
can you put baby powder in there?
i can only imagine how that is... my DS had the worst stinky neck from sweat, etc... his head/neck was so sweaty- i can't imagine how a helmet would have been on him.
poor little guy! i hope you can find something that works.
We just got ours last week. I was told to wash it in the morning with baby shampoo and evenings with rubbing alcohol. We also apply Caldesene powder to the inside of the band to help with the sweet. Let me know what works for you just incase I have the same problem. My little man has very sensitive skin.