

It's sooooo nice to "see" you!! You are cracking me up (as always)!!!!

How's the babes?

Re: BoF

  • ha ha!! With all my "big" words?

    we're all great- how are you?!

    did you ever find out if that little girl was ok ( I think that was your post?) I hope there was a good explanation for the situation...


  • LOL!! Yes, your "big" words and all.

    I'm pretty good, can't complain at least. I'm a little upset that someone outed me-now everyone knows that I *like* paying more for things because others rip off the system. LOL!

    I'm planning on talking to her mom in person-I don't want to do it on the phone. XBG was just asking me about it yesterady and like I told her- there's a lot of reasons I'm not tooooo worried, 1 being the accuser is a major drama queen/oveereactor and 2 being the girls dad is RARELY alone with her and 3, she goes to daycare and her grandparents house-so if there WERE signs someone would have said something.

    BUT- regardless, I will be talking to her about it.

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  • how uncomfortable..that stuff really bothers me.

    I hope it goes well!

    and I hope you find some nice inflated prices to enjoy!

  • It is VERY awkward, the Mom is one who believes her DD is perfect and the to tell her this accusation-I'm not sure how she'll take it. But, hopefully it doesn't cause a major fallout-regardless, it has to be said..the child needs a voice if its true.


    And yes, LOVIN' the inflated prices.

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