
My job: to keep these boys alive

all day long, I just ran after these 2.  We've baby proofed but obviously not well enough.  How are they able to get into some of these situations? Ie: under one of our end tables, we have their books stacked.  Luke pulled them all out, crawled through the table and ended up playing w/ the shades!  Seriously, in a matter of a minute. mama's tired

Re: My job: to keep these boys alive

  • You are definitely not alone!  Babyproofing is an ongoing thing in our house - everytime we think we've got it down, they find some new way to make life dangerous.  We keep taking furniture out of our living room as they like to push tables and chairs around.  The next thing to go will be our dining room table.  We have bungee cords holding the oven door closed and and baby fences everywhere - which are also semi-mama proof since I'm too short to climb over them easily.  They love to crawl under things and into tiny spaces DH and I wouldn't even THINK about.  It's exhausting trying to keep them from killing themselves while they play!
  • you are not alone!! seriously all day long all i do is keep them out of trouble :) and like you we have babyproofed! By the time they go to bed i am so tired!!
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  • You can baby proof until you're blue in the face, but they will always find ways to get into trouble. Right now, Molly is sitting on our Shephard. Liza doesn't mind so much the sitting, it's when Molly uses her as a slide that causes problems Stick out tongue
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • That's funny.  I worry about this every single day - waiting for the time when my boys start running around...
  • I hear ya.  Both of my guys were kinda scooting/trying to crawl for the past few weeks but they wouldn't get very far - all of a sudden Connor is crawling like a madman and I can't keep up.  We will be babyproofing this weekend.  My DS didn't crawl until 11 + months so we are NOT ready for this!  :)
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