We know if we have a boy the middle name will be Brady (after my DH). We can't for the life of us come up with a first name and we're quickly running out of time. We are avoiding the letters B, D, M, and S. Our last name starts with "Sh". Any sugguestions?
Re: Need fn to go with mn Brady
Aaron, Andrew, Alan, Caleb, Charles, Christian, Carter, Evan, Edward, Henry, Isaac, Isaiah, Ian, John, Joseph, Jack, Jackson, James, Justin, Jonah, Keven, Kyle, Lincoln, Nicholas, Noah, Philip, Patrick, Russel, Thomas, Theodore, Timothy, Trevor, Tristan, William, Zachary
I think anything that's not one syllable will go well. Brady is a fairly common last name and think of all the first names that go with that. If you can't tell, I really like Bible names for boys so they were mostly the first ones that came to mind as I went through the alphabet in my head.
Anything but Thomas...someone would definitely make the association of Tom Brady.
I like PPs suggestion of Nicholas.
Nicholas Brady Sh___
Colin Brady Sh___
Joel Brady Sh___
Andrew Brady Sh___
Gavin Brady Sh___
Evan Brady Sh___
Ethan Brady Sh___
Patrick Brady Sh___
If we have another boy, we're using Brady as the mn too. It's my maiden name. We are also clueless about fns. With #1, we liked Nicholas Brady but now my BIL has used Nicholas. We also liked Cameron Brady but we've outgrown it....
Don't know what we'll do if we have a boy. LOL
Baking Blog
I know a Colin Brady