I had a scheduled induction set for March 2, 2009. DH and I went into the hospital around 9 p.m. and they checked me in and started my I.V. all the fun stuff! Let me tell you I've had plenty of IV's but this one hurt like a beotch! It was probably one of the most painful things about labor. It also was extremely sore days after labor and I had a huge knot on my wrist. But anyway back to labor.
I came in the night before to be given a cervical ripening agent because apparently I wasn't effaced enough. When I came into the hospital I was 1 cm dilated and my cervix was "soft" whatever that means. The nurse told me I was 50% effaced when I got to the hospital and I was shocked. My Dr. never gave me a number so I figured it was barely effaced. I got cytotec which is like the tiniest pill and they just insert it into your cervix. I think the worst part of the induction was getting checked every freakin hour and having that pill inserted twice over the night. Internals were always SO painful for me. After the first dose of cytotec given at 9 p.m. I didn't feel any chanes and just watched t.v. while DH slept. I just couldn't sleep I was so anxious to get the show on the road! At about 2:30 p.m. the nurse came in and checked me. I was still 1 cm and 50% effaced. She gave me my second dose of cytotec. I was really scared at this point because my body wasn't reacting to the medicine but the nurse told me usually it took the second dose to get things moving.
After the second dose things got rockin and rollin lol. I started having very bad period cramping and contractions throughout the morning. They hurt but they weren't anything I couldn't get through. IMO the most uncomfortable part was the hospital beds! Labor beds are SO hard and with all those monitors on your belly it's nearly impossible to get comfortable. My hips were aching from laying on my sides on that hard assss bed!
At around 5:30 a.m. I think they moved me to a bigger room. They gave me the pitocin and I asked for some pain medicine because at that point things were getting pretty uncomfortable. I got Stadol and that stuff is effin awesome lol. It doesn't do much for pain but it makes you feel all drunky drunk!! I finally thought I would get some reast and I did take like an hour nap. At about 7:30 the nurse came in and told me the Dr. was on her way to break my water. As soon as she walked out the door I felt a huge "pop" (like the biggest baby kick ever), a gush, and then the most excruciating contraction! I told DH to get his assss to the nursing station because I wanted my epidural. The contractions just kept getting worse and worse adn at this point I was hollaring and wrathing in the bed! Dh was really great though and I'm sure I cut off all the blood and oxygen to both his hands hehe. I think I had to wait about 30-45 minutes for the epidural but it felt like days! The contractions just came on so hard and strong after my water broke. I kept telling the nurses how ridiculous it was that I had to wait so long for the epidural. I ended up apologizing to them after Jonah was born because I felt bad lol. You say some pretty crazy things when you are in pain.
Around 8:30 a.m. I think I got my epidural and it was AMAZING. I couldn't feel anything except very light touch or sensation. Who ever invented the epidural should get a gold medal. I think I would literally die if I had to give birth naturally. I was onlly at 3 cm when I got my epidural and I thought I would pass out from the pain. The nurse came back and checked me at about 10 a.m. and I was fully dilated! I went from 3cm to 10cm in about an hour and a half! I was NOT ready to push. I was exhausted and wanted a nap. They got everything ready and Dh and the nurse did some practice pushes with me. Then the Dr. came in and we did about 6-7 pushes (20 minutes) and he was out! I think Dh and the nurse pushed harder than me LOL. I couldn't feel a thing! Jonah Mikhail was born at 11:12 a.m. and weighted 6lbs. 5oz. and 20 in. long. Everyone was so shocked at how little he was and I tried to tell them! My belly was always small and knew a 7 lb baby could not be hiding in such a small belly!!! Oh and also I learned my OB is a complete nerd! She and the nurse were literally talking about the latest episode of Battlestar Gallactica when they were pulling Jonah out. It was pretty hilarious!
Overall, I had an amazing induction experience and would do it all over again. They don't always go this great so I know I am very lucky! Labor was so awesome and I feel so empowered that I got through it! I can finally say I gave life to a human being! I was told this so many times but really really try to enjoy those last few days of your pregnancy. I know you are miserable and you just want that baby out but it goes by SO fast. I cried Tuesday because Jonah was a week old.....they grow so quickly! Good luck ladies and I can't wait to see you on 0-6!
OH and if I could give one post partum tip it would be to get some depends LOL. I know it sounds gross but I lived in them for 3-4 days post partum. I never imagined the bleeding to be so intense. It was the worst part of labor in my opinion. My second degree tear and hemorroids was nothing compared to the grossness I felt being in a blood soaked diaper each day LOL. Oh yeah so yummy!
Re: XP: My induction birth story.
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